Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 Peppers, FODMAPS, & Moose Balls

Our bell peppers and Elsie's.
The roof over the chicken run.

Friday 10/24. We loaded the trailer up with bags of paper, plastic and aluminum cans for recycle, put five five-gallon gas cans in the Jeep, and were on our way Down There at about 9:00 am.  It is always a slow trip down the mountain with the trailer, as it feels every little bump.

Since we rented our mail box at the UPS Store almost seven years ago, our rent has almost doubled.  We just cannot afford it any more.  So when we stopped at the post office to send mail, I talked to them about the situation.  It seems that now they have an agreement with UPS and Fed Ex, so we could receive packages shipped via them now at the post office.  Great!  So when our contract is up in March, we will have switched all our mail to our physical address.  That will save us almost $400 a year.

We were home by 1:00 pm after a slow trip back up the mountain with the 2X4's and sheets of clear fiberglass roofing material in the trailer.  The sun tried very hard to break through the cloud cover but never quite succeeded.  Our high for the day was 48.

JB harvested our bell peppers yesterday because the nights are getting so cold.  The red peppers are still green.

RJ had told us that he saved the red potatoes we gave him last November and planted them this year.  He has been harvesting potatoes for a few months now!

A light rain began falling a little after 6:00 pm.  It was really coming down by the time we went to bed at 9:30 pm.

Saturday 10/25. It was 40 and foggy this morning and we received 1/3" of rain during the night.  It drizzled off and on all day, but we managed to get 3/4 of the roof on over the chicken run between showers.  The girls will be much dryer - and happier - now.  Our high for the day was 45.

Sandy sent me an article from Reader's Digest entitled "What if Gluten Isn't Making You Sick?"  It seems that there are nutrients in some grains, vegetables, fruit, legumes and milk called FODMAPS that can trigger stomach upset.  I believe lactose (milk sugar) is the culprit for me.  My stomach problems always arise in the Fall, so I started trying to figure out what changes in my diet then.  The only thing I came up with is that I start putting powdered milk in my coffee to save on regular milk, because we don't go Down There shopping as often.  Well, that is concentrated lactose!  I stopped using it and, sure enough, within a couple weeks my symptoms disappeared.  Woo Hoo!!

Larry and Elsie drove up for a visit this evening.  She had read in my blog how JB and I are fighting over the last two eggs that the girls gave us, so she brought up a dozen of their eggs.  What a great friend and neighbor!  She also brought up some of her bell peppers, as they are having a bumper crop on all their peppers.  These are a different variety and much lighter green.

Shortly after they left, the forecast wind arrived, gusting to 28 mph, and blew all night.

Sunday 10/26.  This morning began with 41 degrees, clear sky and still windy.  There are little branches scattered everywhere.

The dogs went crazy a little after 5:00 am and it turned out that Buster was up to visit!  I always enjoy company, but not before dawn.  I finally got our dogs in and had to go out to pull the tarp back up over the wood on the south end of the porch that the wind had blown off.  Got to pet Buster and then send him on his way home.  If Jesse is outside, he won't let Buster come near us.

Sandy called this morning and we had a great chat, as always.  I told her that I was going to make meat balls this week with the ground mooseburger, at which point she laughed and said, "Moose balls!"  JB said, "At least they aren't Rocky Mountain Oysters. . ."

With a fire in the wood stove every morning now, we have our coffee warmer back.  No more cold coffee.

We were able to finish putting up the roof over the chicken run, but, oh my, that wind was cold!  Even though the sky was clear, the mountains were covered in clouds.  Every so often the wind would rip off a small tuft and send it skittering eastward.  Our high for the day was only 44.

Monday 10/27.  It is 42 and clear this morning, but no wind.

Thought for the day: The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing. Marcus Aurelius

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