Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015 Eggs, Future Generations & A Birthday

The sun just breaking through the fog on our
Monday afternoon walk.

A hot pad holder that Nene gave us for
Christmas, along with a matching towel.

Monday 2/2. I know I said that I couldn't wait for Spring, but that was mainly because of all the fog and low clouds in which we have been encased this winter.  It began to snow about 9:00 am, and I enjoy that, but just get rid of the *&!!@# FOG!

One of the girls gave us eggs on Friday and Sunday.  I think it was Betty.  In the past couple months her comb has doubled in size and she is much bolder than she has ever been.  The only way to tell her apart from Belinda is that Belinda has darker tail feathers.

Today we had about 10 wasps in the loft.  The few that got in last Fall must be starting to wake up.  This winter we have only had about one or less a week, thank goodness.

JB worked for a while on his new computer.  Seems like he managed to download a virus along with Google.

The snow stopped falling about 12:30 pm and the fog moved back in.  We got another 1-1/2", which helps.  The top of the fog doggedly remained at the tops of the trees, teasing us with glimpses of the blue above.  Finally, during our afternoon walk, a breeze arrived and blew the fog back down into the canyons and valleys where it belongs.  By sunset that breeze had grown into a wind gusting to 20 mph.  Our high for the day was 35, and that was from the warm front that the wind blew in.

We finished watching White Collar, and it's on to Walking Dead after a movie tomorrow night.

Tuesday 2/3. This morning was overcast and 37 with low valley fog.  It was a good day to defrost the fridge and catch up on the filing.  With some help from our son over the phone, JB got his computer back to normal and all set up.

Some who read this on the internet may wonder why I get so detailed with all the little things in our daily life Up Here.  I am writing this blog mainly as a record for our family.  Our grandchildren and their children.  I have always been interested in family history and have some fascinating letters from Grandparents on both sides dating back to around 1910.  I can only hope that our family will be as interested in our life 100 years from now.  However, it bothers me that generations in the future may be in awe of how good we had it.  Hopefully they will be amazed at how good we thought we had it.

The overcast skies began to break up mid afternoon and by the time of our walk, we had lots of blue.  Our high for the day was about 38 and a lot of yesterday's snow was melting.

Got another egg today!  And it looks as though Belinda and Betty are starting to pick on Blondie again.

Through a phone call to an RV dealer, we were told that the problem with our generator is an electrical one and we should take it to an Onan repair shop.  That means a trip to Yakima or Seattle.  It will probably be Seattle, so JB can stay there until it is repaired rather than make two trips, so that won't be happening til April or May when our road is passable with such a load.

Also our game cam is toast, so we will have to replace that.

Looks to be an expensive year between the generator, the well pump and my tooth. . .

Wednesday 2/4. It is 30 and snowing this morning - through the fog.  A very Happy 40th Birthday to our Son!!

Thought for the day: What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet. Guideposts Feb 2015

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