Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015 Eggs, Mud & A Political Rant

The two eggs we received on Wednesday!
(I think the smaller, lighter one is from Blondie.)

Wednesday 2/4. Even if it means going out into the weather shortly after getting out of bed, I really enjoy feeding the girls in the morning.  Don't even mind cleaning out their hen house, although it is easier when their poop is frozen.  The girls gather around me and I talk to them.  I try to touch them, too, but they're still pretty skittish about that.

The snow stopped falling around noon and only the fog remained (of course).  Our high for the day was 35.

I had a very low energy day, as if the fog were sucking it right out of me.  I need the sun.  After so many years of living west of the mountains in the rain, I have now become very dependent upon the sun.  The Wenatchee River Valley claims 300 days of sun every year.  I doubt they are going to live up to that this year.  Well, the only thing I can change about this situation is my attitude, so I better get with it.

The girls gave us two eggs today!  That hasn't happened in more than six months.  Maybe Betty and Belinda aren't just picking on Blondie, but rather encouraging her to lay her share.

We watched the first three episodes of season four of Walking Dead this evening.  It seems darker than usual.  Would be nice if they had some good news, other than just 30 days without an "accident".

Thursday 2/5. It was 32 and foggy this morning.  We had about an hour's worth of rain beginning at 9:00 am, with more rain and warmer temperatures promised through Sunday.  That means mud, but possibly also more melt water seeping into the cistern.  We'll take it any way we can get it.  At least the rain pushed the fog down.  With its absence, the sun shone bright enough through the clouds for enough power to run the water for washing our hair without using the generator.  However, for the rest of the day the fog to the south played tug-of-war with the fog to the north.  Our high for the day was a very sloppy 40.  Sloppy, slushy and muddy.

We reorganized our refrigerator white board today with special, thin tape.  Oh, the things we have time for when we are retired.

With the revelation that the problem lies in the well pump or its wiring, we plan to move the generator back to where it was by the battery room.  Well, as soon as the rain and fog clear up.  Of course that may be March or April. . .

We spent a lot of relaxing time reading our books today.  JB cooked up a pot of ham and split-pea soup, which made the house smell so good.

We were in between tugs-of-war between the two directions of fog when we left for our afternoon walk.  Arriving up on the south ridge we could see the part of Mission Ridge that wasn't hidden by clouds and into most of the canyons, but within two minutes we were enshrouded in fog.  As if the heat of our bodies caused it to race towards us.  By the time we arrived back home about 15 minutes later, we were in the clear.  Go figure.

When I encounter someone who supports The Imposter, I feel both very angry and very sad that they could be so easily duped.  Never before have politics caused such a reaction within me.  But this is not simply politics.  This is Evil.  An Evil so subtle, and yet so obvious.  It is not merely the greed and power-mongering that we, sadly, have come to accept, but rather his desire to rip apart the basic tenets upon which this great nation of ours was founded.  And, yes, here I go ranting.  But the current situation in which America finds itself frightens me.  It rocks my very foundation.  It enrages me.  Especially because I feel so very helpless to know that all I can do is express my fears, vote, and pray.  Thank God we still have our freedom of speech.  So many of our other freedoms are being eroded away right under our feet.  Our Constitution is being defiled.  Americans are being bribed into complacency by a welfare-supporting government.  Never before in our country's history has the threat been so great.  The Civil War.  The Great Depression.  They pale in comparison.

Friday 2/6. It is 40 and overcast this morning.  As I sit here in the loft, I am watching the valley fog form and rise.  Oh, goody. . .

Thought for the day: The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded. C.L. De Montesquieu

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