Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6, 2019 Snow & Attitude

Last row of wood in the wood
shed tumbled over.

Monday 3/4. As I approached the wood shed this morning, I noticed something definitely amiss.  The last row of wood (April's) had tumbled over.  Not really a problem, as most of it is still under the roof.

This whole experience with all this snow is getting old.  But, as with many of life's experiences, the only power I have over it is my attitude.  And that makes all the difference.  That is my power.  Although I don't always wield it as I should, it is one of the many lessons I am learning while living Up Here.

I raked off the back half of the wood shed roof again.  Only half as that is about what I can reach with the rake without standing on the roof itself.  JB dug some snow away from the chicken run so the girls can get some morning sun, when there is morning sun.  Then he started up Miss Kitty and the tractor, letting them run a bit.

The sky was overcast all day and our high was 24.

Tuesday 3/5. It is 17 and still overcast this morning.  The forecast calls for an 80% chance of snow tonight, but we saw snowflakes beginning to fall around 8:30 am.  That went off and on til early afternoon, not even leaving a trace.

After bringing in the wood, I dug out the the "root cellar" door in order to get some chicken food.  Quite a chore so, since I have room in the house, I also got a bag of dog food.  Then pulled them out on the sled.  Won't have to do that again for at least a couple months, and by then I hope I won't have to dig at all.  May have to slog through the mud though.

Did laundry and dishes.  Washed towels today, so that means using not only the clothes lines, but also the clothes rack.  Mrs. Gridder's Mother gave me a large, wooden one when we had the garage sale last summer and I am giving it a work out.

Our deer meandered through Rose Camp at about 4:30, up from the southwest and off to the east.  At first we saw five, then three more.  Two more arrived as they were heading back up from near the house to their trail along the east slope.  Just as they began disappearing into the trees, one straggler appeared.  We could see them nibbling on bushes and trees for quite a while as they slowly worked their way into our neighbor's property.

Again, it was overcast all day and our high was 24.  Now I need to go work on my attitude some more.  Watching The Ranch certainly helps. . .

Wednesday 3/6. It is 22 this morning and has been lightly snowing since at least 4:00 am when I let Jesse out and he came back in covered in white.

Thought for the day: Attitude is everything.

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