Friday, December 16, 2011

December 18, 2011

The answer
I received a discourse in frustration from a good friend regarding the state of affairs in our country, which expressed a violent solution about which I am sure many of us have fantasized.  Being Up Here has removed me from that frustration level, thank goodness, but I do believe this current situation is a consequence of mankind's innate greed.  Greed, which in my opinion, is brought to the surface as a result of having become so out of touch with the natural world.  This seems to create a need to "have" and the fear of "not having."  I am no world history buff, but I don't believe that since the empires of old has there been opportunity to wield such power and to want to grab that power, and look what it did to all of those countries.  Power tends to bring out the worst in men.  Revolution, on the other hand, often brings out the best.  Where are the George Washingtons, Thomas Jeffersons and Abe Lincolns we so drastically need?  They were building a new country, full of promise - and they were farmers.  I especially love the quote from George Washington, "I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world."  That pretty much says it all.  According to my quote from a few days ago, even Leonardo Da Vinci roamed the countryside when he needed answers.

Today's politicians and business tycoons are wielding power they were never meant to have.  While the founders of our country were focusing on the freedoms and rights of each individual (most of them, anyway), today's power brokers are focusing on the 1%.  But by the same token, it is my belief that the freedoms and ease of life that most have enjoyed in this country have made our citizens lazy when it comes to ensuring the continuation of such freedom.  Greed is a two-headed monster that can invoke both the need to grab for more, and complacency in keeping what we have, fearing such actions that may cause any loss.

Being Up Here, especially when the fog covers all signs of life Down There, the answers seem obvious.  At least to me.  And if I cannot be a part of the direct answer, at least I can be at peace in Rose Camp, in the midst of nature.

And that is my political commentary for the day. . .

When JB when Down There on Wednesday, he brought back all of our favorite magazines, BackWoods Home, Countryside, BackHome and Outside.  My laugh for the day was the last page in Outside, their "Parting Shot".  It is of a fox and is absolutely hilarious! 

And on another note, I wanted to talk about the water saving techniques that we employ Up Here.  First of all, we don't take our water for granted.  So that makes us stop and think every time we turn it on or go to flush.  We have a front loading washing machine that is a big water saving device.  We also have low-water-usage faucets and shower head.  I wash my hair in the sink, not the shower.  And when we wash our hands, we always use cold water and turn it off while soaping up and actually washing.  Then turn it back on to rinse.  For watering our indoor plants, I use what water is left in the dog's water dish when I fill it each day.  (I think my plants actually thrive on dog drool.)  The one luxury we do allow ourselves is keeping the water on while showering.  I know that many people shower like we wash our hands - turn the water on to get wet; turn it off to soap up and wash; then turn it back on to rinse.  Not for me, thank you.  I just don't dawdle.

I finally cleaned the wood stove yesterday.  Something that was overdue, but I had been waiting til it warmed up outside to do it.  With the heat wave that started on Friday at 32 degrees, I was able to let the stove cool down enough to clean it.  We bought an ash vacuum last Spring to help with this chore, but I didn't realize at the time that you are not supposed to vacuum up soot with it.  Well, I really don't need it for the ashes, so I do use it to clean out the soot from inside the top of the stove anyway, and the catalytic combuster.  Seems to be working fine so far.

I made some more cookies yesterday, too.  I had forgotten how good for your abs it is to roll out cold cookie dough!  Of course that is probably a wasted effort when you consider what you are making, and just how many of those cookies you are going to eat. . .

The good news for the day - actually for the week - is that JB's computer is fixed, and he didn't lose any information.  When Jake finally found the right web site, it took only 2 minutes to download the info, another few minutes to cut the cd, and then less than 3 minutes for him to get back into his computer!  Yippee!!

Thought for the day:  Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.  Rachel Carson 

1 comment:

  1. Wild Rose,
    Thank you for answering my question! I didn't think that you were that close to a cell tower to receive a signal...shows me not to think and assume! lol Where we I live, I turn the shower on to get wet, turn it off, lather up, turn it on again to rise. This is only because our water rates have become outrageous the past few years.
