Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 28, 2011

Cascade mountains from Erno's property
to the east of Rose Camp
Finally got outside for that much needed hike on Monday.  The dogs and I trekked up to the 40-acre lot to the east of us.  Lots of deer tracks, but no new ones since it snowed on Sunday.  Lots of grouse and turkey tracks, and Jesse flushed two grouse.  So glad he did it because those birds always wait until you are practically on top of them before flying, and they always scare the sh-- out of me.  It was cloudy but still got some great photos.

Monday night we watched one of the movies that Santa gave us - Inception with Leonardo Di Caprio.  Fantastic!  Although I am going to have to watch it several more times in order to completely understand it.

Tuesday was our 42nd wedding anniversary.  Yes, that is a long time.  And sometimes it seems longer. . . But more often than not it seems much shorter.  JB went Down There for a regular scheduled blood test and some grocery shopping, and brought back a beautiful bouquet of yellow daisies and a book that I wanted.  Still in love after all these years. . .  Probably won't go down again till the middle of January.  Weather predictions are for several snow storms to pass through this week.  We had some sun Tuesday morning, so I was able to get the dishes done without turning on the generator.  Also defrosted the refrigerator, which was long overdue.  I have completely ignored it the past few weeks with all the Christmas excitement.  The predicted snow was actually rain yesterday.  As the clouds moved in, the air warmed up to 32 and what was supposed to be snow turned out to be rain.  Mud in December.  Lovely. 

And not only was it just rain, it was a Seattle downpour well into the early morning hours.  The wind is still blowing this morning with 45mph gusts.  The dogs do NOT like going out in the wind, so they did not wake me up until 7:00am - just one minute before the alarm went off for JB.  I couldn't get on the internet then, so that is why I am so late in posting today.  And now the weather forecast is for all those snowstorms to be rain instead.  The brown and white spots have reversed themselves, much more brown than white this morning.

In compiling information for the index on firewood sources I could not find where I had written about power/telephone poles.  At least I thought I had written about them.  So I will mention them again.  I think it was in September that Larry told us that when the PUD or phone company need to get rid of old poles, they will put a notice in the paper.  The cedar poles are free for the taking and must have the tar and preservatives taken off the outside before they can be given away.  So all you have to do is go pick them up, which Larry does.  We may just do that next year.

I also want to say a few things about our ATV, MAX.  Most of what I have written makes it seem like we have had nothing but problems with it, but a lot of that was our own doing by not understanding just how to take care of it and how much air should be in the tires when the tracks are on.  Also, when we first bought it used, there was some debris in the chain channels that we only discovered after it had caused a problem.  The vehicle itself is an excellent piece of equipment, especially considering it is about 15 years old.  It can go just about anywhere in any weather as advertised.  The company who manufactures them, Recreatives, Inc., has been very helpful. 

My friend and Neighbor in Illinois is gone, having passed away Friday night.  She leaves a big hole in my heart, and an even larger void in the lives of her children and grandchildren.  I could say that her incredible voice is now heard with the angels, but more likely she is singing rock'n soul with Janis Joplen.

Thought for the day:  Do not begrudge growing old.  It is an experience than many are denied.

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