Friday, November 30, 2012

Nov 30, 2012 Eggnog, snow & skunks

Sun peaking through the fog
and clouds

Wednesday breakfast.  Newspapers, and eggnog in my coffee.  I just love the holidays!  One thing I do miss is having the morning newspaper delivered, but so many other things make up for it that I can easily live with just having it every week or two. 

It was cloudy all day and the predicted snow began falling about 1:30 pm.  Within minutes the ground matched the trees and bushes.  I went out early to get the fire wood and Dinga stayed out rejoicing.  She would love living in Alaska.

Laundry day.  I wasn't sure about my new washer at first.  I haven't had a top loading machine in almost twenty years.  But it holds larger loads, uses only the water needed for each specific load, and spins it all dryer.  I can live with that.  We'll have the electrician up in the Spring to determine why it won't work without the generator. 

Talked to Elsie Tuesday evening.  Larry took the dogs for a run with their ATV Monday night and encountered a skunk who obviously wasn't aware that it was supposed to have gone into hibernation on the 19th.  So Elsie got to spend a few hours bathing both dogs, especially their little beagle who really got sprayed, in hydrogen peroxide and Dawn soap.  She certainly was thorough because I didn't smell anything when I visited on Tuesday afternoon.

It was early evening when the clouds parted to reveal a full Beaver Moon that lit up the white landscape.  The nights have been so dark lately with no snow on the ground and so much fog that this was a very welcome change.

Thursday.  Fog, again.  It's not so much the type of weather, but rather the lack of power.  No sun, no power.  Except for the generator.  And that uses propane.  And that costs money.  Well, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it except adapt and use as little electricity as possible.  Since we had to use the generator anyway, I did another load of laundry.

Not sure exactly what I did for two days, but I was very busy.  Cleaning here, re-arranging shelves, puttering there, washing dishes, hanging and folding laundry, defrosting the refrigerator and freezer, getting firewood, shoveling off the deck of 2" of snow, reading, napping. . . 

And speaking of napping, it's always so much cozier when it's snowing.  After a cup of cocoa.  With a fire in the stove.  On the couch with a blanket and the pillows placed just so.  Mmmmm.

Tis the last day of November and it's about time.  With Thanksgiving so early this year, it seems as though December is late.  Am having a hard time getting into decorating the house for Christmas.  Maybe this weekend, although ol' Bah-Humbug JB would be just as happy if I never did. . .

A footnote on the timber project that JB is working on.  The property taxes do decrease dramatically, however if it is ever decided to take the land out of timber, then all the back taxes have to be paid.  Doubt we would ever want to do that.  Can't have more than one house per 20 acres anyway.

Thought for the day: Happiness is like a cat, if you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you; it will never come.  But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap.  William Bennett

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