Friday, April 5, 2013

Apr 5, 2013 White to Green!

Green road to the peak

Wednesday, 4/3.  JB left for Down There at 8:45 am in his Jeep.  I did laundry and dishes, then took the dogs for their morning walk.  Heard the turkeys again down the north ridge.  Doesn't phase the dogs to just hear them.  I guess they have to actually see them before giving chase.

The day started out clear but we soon had a light overcast with a high for the day of 51.  I was going to say "just" 51, but it was only a few days ago that we actually broke 50!

After lunch I worked in the wood shed, re-stacking the wood that is left in there.  When I am done with that, I'll start hauling the wood up from the porch.  I have been taking fire wood from the porch for the past few days now since there is plenty of room to re-stack in the shed.

JB's trip was shorter today because he drove down in the Jeep instead of MAX, so he was home a little after 2:30 pm.  Still not as fast as using just one vehicle, as he has to transfer everything from my Jeep to his on the way back up.

Every year I am amazed at how quickly Rose Camp greens up when the snow  starts disappearing.  The top of the south ridge is already green, and grass is sprouting on the north slope now too.

Thursday, 4/4.  It was overcast and 38 with sprinkles when we got up.  Started actually raining about 9:00 am and continued till about 5:00 pm.  The fog rolled in early afternoon and it was definitely an inside day.  I got wood off the porch and JB went out for fresh air, but that was about it.  The dogs only went out into the wet if they really had to.  The temperature only got up to 39.

We both read books, spent time on our computers and just puttered around.  Am checking the dogs for ticks every day now that we found the first one on Dinga on Monday.  This may be a bad year for them with all this mild weather.

Watched three episodes of "True Blood".  Am finally getting hooked as it seems to be settling down to a real story.  

Friday, 4/5.  It started raining again at 5:30 this morning, just after the dogs had been out.  We had a light wind during the night that must have done a good job drying out the ground because their feet were barely wet when they came back in.  It's 34 out there right now, but the cloud layer has thinned out and I can actually see some blue sky, so not sure what today will bring.

Thought for the day:  Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.  Thomas Jefferson 

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