Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014 Spring, Views and Cougars

RJ's cabin with its sod roof.
My bench on the south ridge.

Friday 4/11.  Right after breakfast, while the mud on the road was still firm, we drove Miss Kitty down to our turn-off to get my Jeep.  The dogs came with us and had a good run, but on the way back Dinga rode with me in the Jeep and Jesse rode in Miss Kitty with JB.  We picked up the card from the trail cam on the way back up and discovered we had three clips of a rather large cougar at about 3:30 am on April 2.

Still reading the papers and magazine I brought up yesterday.  In Time magazine there is an interesting interview with Barbara Ehrenreich, a professed atheist who has written a book entitled Living With a Wild God.  It is about her "mystical encounters."  Sounds fascinating!

After lunch we took the chains off of Miss Kitty and JB's Jeep.  There will only be mud to be concerned about on the road from now on.  Then JB prepared for his trip tomorrow, loading his Jeep with several of his tools to help with building his brother's wine tasting room.

It was a beautiful day with a few clouds floating over and a high of 56 with a cool breeze.

We finished watching season four of Downton Abby.  So nice to have an ending on a happy note.

Saturday 4/12. It was 37 and clear this morning.  JB was on his way to Seattle a little after 8:00 am, checking his CB and his new radio several times on his way down the mountain.

JB had put one of the benches he built a couple years ago into the back of Miss Kitty for me so I could take it up to the south ridge.  I did that right after breakfast and set it where I could sit and contemplate the Universe or whatever was on my mind or maybe just sit and be.  Then I brought a small load of kindling down with me and stacked it in the shed.

Each and every Spring is such a delight with its green grasses and rainbow of flours.  Just as the first snow of Winter sports a feeling of wonder.  And the raging colors of Autumn gets one's blood flowing.  And the heat of summer puts one in the shade of the porch to just sit and enjoy.  The whole wonder of it all is that these feelings emerge every year with the same fervor, as if it were the first time.

I read an interesting interview with Morgan Freeman (one of my all-time favorite actors) who said that perhaps humans are not the main intelligence in our world, but rather the planet itself.  And if we cause her harm, she will simply get rid of us. . .

After lunch I drove Miss Kitty down the shortcut to RJ's to the first steep incline.  Just not ready to tackle that yet, so I parked her there and walked the rest of the way, about a half mile.  The dogs were thrilled and so was I.  RJ had put in some run-offs that seemed to have done their job perfectly, but could not prevent a large, dead tree from falling across the road.  I cleaned up most of the broken branches, but left the rest to RJ.  His place was even more green than ours.

When we got back home, the dogs with their tongues hanging down, I vacuum sealed and froze the meat I had bought on Thursday.  Read BackWoods Home magazine, which is always a great read.  This issue there is an article on pear trees which covers everything you would need to know, and more.

On our afternoon walk, I discovered some prairie stars.  They are such a pretty and delicate little flower.  Our high for the day was 52, but it felt much warmer when I went out on the deck to sit in the sun for a little while.

I had a nice long chat with Nene, which I always enjoy, and really must do more often.

After dinner I re-watched three episodes of Downton Abbey, then fell into bed feeling very tired in a good way after such an active day.

Sunday 4/13.  I woke up at 4:20 am with my mind churning.  Put in a fire and fixed some cocoa.  Wrote down some thoughts, did some sudoku, and watched the moon set.  Then I went outside on the porch at 5:30 am, wrapped in my dressing gown, a blanket (the temperature was 35) and a hat, to watch the sun come up and listen to the birds awaken.  By 6:00 am I was back inside to warm up and go back to bed for a couple hours.

I was back up at 8:00 am and took my coffee out on the porch.  It looked like it was going to be another beautiful, cloudless day.  These early, dry Spring days are really splendid.  Although a part of me is concerned about the "dry", I am not going to waste time worrying about tomorrow when I have today to enjoy.

It was a great Sunday morning with phone conversations with Sande, JB and Nene again.

When I was at Costco on Thursday, I bought a bag of their salmon and sweet potato dog food.  It has no grains in it.  It is a bit pricier at $34 for 35 lbs, compared to $30 and $34 for 40 lbs, but seems worth the difference.  I will slowly introduce it to the dogs, especially since I have three bags of their other food - 1/4 cup new with 3/4 cup old.

After lunch I drove Miss Kitty down our road about 1/2 mile to thin out the trees growing along the road, as I do every year.  New little seedlings are always springing up and threatening to crowd the larger trees.  I also gathered dry wood and succeeded in filling Miss Kitty's load area.  When back home, I put several large pieces of wood in the cradle for cutting.  The smaller ones I broke or cut, then stacked in the wood shed.

Our high for the day was 52, but a very warm 52.

I closed the day by re-watching four episodes of season three of Downton Abbey, and then, literally, fell into bed and asleep.

Monday 4/14.  It is 37 and clear this morning, with nothing different in the forecast until tomorrow or Wednesday.  Hopefully going to be another busy, productive day.

Thought for the day:  Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental.  No!  They are very demanding.  If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action.  Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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