Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014 He's Back!

A new bloom on the south slope that I don't
believe I have ever seen before.

Wednesday 4/23.  In this morning's posting I made it sound like I was just waiting for the dogs to catch the little critter in the wood pile, but that wasn't it at all.  I knew they would never be able to tear the pile apart and get to it, but it was fun to watch them try.

I washed the dishes, did the laundry and hung it outside.  By that time the clouds had moved in with the breeze, but it didn't look like rain.  The breeze acted like a cool dryer and the sheets were dry before JB arrived home just before 1:30 pm.  Soooo good to have him back!

We unloaded all his things from the Jeep, including goodies from the family and the mail.  I had ordered some Christmas and birthday presents so there were several packages.  The problem with ordering gifts so early is that I often have a hard time waiting to give them.

In my sorting of the loft, I discovered a little book by Robert James Waller entitled Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend.  He is also the author of The Bridges of Madison County, and I had forgotten how much I enjoy his style of writing.

A few days ago, in an evening of high spirits, Larry was unable to pronounce the word "rototiller" and coined the nickname rotilararie.  And so it shall be known as from this day forward.  So when I suggested to JB that we plant the onion and potato starts he had brought home, he moaned about having to till the garden first.  I told him that Larry had already used the rotilararie on it and I am pleased to say that he was very grateful.

Just after I hung up the laundry this morning, I decided it was time to call Randy.  He is the one with whom I have been corresponding by email for several months since he contacted me because of reading my blog for more than a year.  He and his Mother are moving from southern California to the mountains of north central Idaho and are up there for a couple weeks.  We had a lovely chat and he is just as delightful and funny over the phone as he is via email.  I do believe JB and I have two new friends. . .

As much as JB wanted to go for our afternoon walk, it had been a long day for him, so he read the paper while the dogs and I went.  It was obviously snowing in the mountains and on Mission ridge.  But wildflowers were still popping up everywhere Up Here.  Our high for the day was 44.

JB had found the fourth season of Justified for only $12, so we began watching it this evening.

Thursday 4/24.  It was 38 and foggy at 6:00 am after a night of rain, that I am sure JB brought with him.  The dogs went out on the porch, but only Dinga braved the chill.  It was raining again at 8:00 am when I got up to stay, but it stopped at about 9:00 am.

I had finally called my doctor yesterday for a referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist.  I have chronic ear pain that is an on-and-off type of annoyance and have been to doctors about it for the past twenty years, but to no avail.  It has been getting worse the past several weeks, so I decided to try a doctor in Wenatchee as my last resort.  I was given an appointment for today at 4:00 pm.  So I left for Down There at 11:30 am to do some shopping first.

The road was a bit dicey in places, but almost completely dried out when I made my way back up at 5:00 pm.  As expected, the doctor had no clue as to was is causing the pain, but he did have a couple suggestions that might help.  I am getting like Larry is with doctors.  He won't go to one because he says they are still just practicing medicine.  As soon as they learn it, he might go.

Everything is so lush at the bottom of the canyon and the rest of the way down.  And not just green, but GREEN!  It was a lovely drive both ways.

JB worked on our new computer for most of the time I was gone.  He found a great deal at Fry's on one with an Intel N3520 processor and a half of a terabyte of memory.  I sound like I know exactly what that means, but all I understand is that it was a great deal and so very much better than the ones  we have.

After dinner we started watching the second season of Homeland, which JB also brought back.

Friday 4/25.  It is 34 and mostly cloudy this morning.  I have lots of Seattle Times papers to read yet and several magazines, so I am going to have a lovely, relaxing morning.

Thought for the day: The truth is always the strongest argument. Frederick the Great


  1. When I was in Iowa a couple weeks ago, I went and took pictures of the covered bridges of Madison County. Jim

  2. Wild Rose,
    It was great talking with you! What a life! lol RandySoCal
