Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015 JB Brought the Rain

Protecting the food source.

Monday 5/11. Jesse woke me up at 11:45 pm and 2:45 am to go outside, so I overslept a bit.  After posting my blog I did last minute chores, defrosted the fridge and freezer, washed the dishes.  Barely made it out the door by noon to go down to Larry and Elsie's.  Filled our containers with water and took a shower.  Was about to leave when JB arrived!  He made really good time having to go via Yakima to pick up the repaired generator.  And it is really good to have him home again.

The forecast for rain was finally right, or perhaps JB brought it with him.  Once again it looked like the clouds were dropping rain everywhere except on us, then it did arrive at 5:30 pm.  One cloudburst, then another, and then a steady downpour.  No thunder or lightening though, thank goodness.

JB brought me big box of See's candy as a birthday present from him and his Mom.  Yippee!!  (My birthday is next Sunday.)

We started watching season one of Elementary this evening.  Very well done.

Tuesday 5/12. It was 45 and raining this morning.  Continued fluctuating between sprinkles and downpours most of the day, sometime stopping altogether.  But raining or not, we were always in the clouds.  A typical Seattle day, but we really do need it.  No fluctuation in the temperature.  45 was also our high for the day.

Definitely an inside day.  JB didn't even make it off the porch, and I only went out a few times to take care of the chickens and collect eggs.  Two today.  Am getting wood off the porch, so that wasn't an issue.

We have at least two male wrens Up Here now, both singing their hearts out in competition for a mate.  One of them has become very interested in the bird house.  I hope he decides to make his nest in there.  No one did last year.

I worked a bit in the loft trying to sort and organize my crafting area, but without much success.  I really have too much stuff, and don't want to get rid of anything.  After all, I might need it for some really cool project.  Meanwhile, JB took a couple naps.  He woke up this morning with a swollen big toe and realized it was his gout.  Too much red meat last week.

The rain barrels are filling up nicely.  I would say we got about 30 gallons by 3:00 pm, mostly from the wood shed roof.

I want to go Down There this week for groceries, so will probably go on Thursday, as more rain is in the forecast for tomorrow in the form of thunder storms.

Wednesday 5/13. It is 46 with a steady rain this morning.

Thought for the day: There are angels whose job it is to be sure you do not get too warm, too glad or too comfortable and miss out on life. . .

1 comment:

  1. Well here is the story. If you fed him better he wouldn't have to gorge on the good stuff. LOL
    At least it was Gluten Free Meats and Gluten Free sides.
