Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20, 2015 Devil's Claw & A New Cuss Word

This bush has a very pungent but
pleasant aroma.  I think it is
bitter brush.

Monday 5/18. Our project for today was to take the tracks off of MAX.  We didn't to it last Spring and we should have.  Plus, guests who visit during the summer really enjoy a ride in MAX.  I also took the last of the kindling off of the porch and stacked it in the wood shed.  Will probably do that with the last row of fire wood on the porch next week.

When Larry and Elsie came up yesterday they saw large elk tracks on the road just down from the beginning of our driveway.  Must be what the dogs have been barking at on the east slope lately.

I am finding devil's claw in many places now.  It likes moist, shady places and after all the rain, we have plenty of those.  The only way to get rid of it is to put it in a large, black yard bag and take it to the dump.  So that is what I am doing.  There is so much of it around that I don' know how I am going to get rid of it all.  Just don't want it getting embedded in our dogs' paws.

Tuesday 5/19. The day began with 55 and mostly clear skies.  Another day, another project.  

Today we planned to put the mower on the tractor.  It is definitely not easy, but we have done it twice before.  Well, today was a ten on the frustration level.  It isn't really that complicated but the directions are so extremely detailed that it makes is seem so.  Plus the fact that it is something that is only done once a year.  Finally, at 2:30 pm,  I said, "Enough is enough.  We will look at it again after dinner!"  I went in for a snack and JB persisted, looking again at the manual.  He actually figured out what we were doing wrong and we got it almost completely attached before our afternoon walk.

But that experience has given me a new cuss word - zerck (sp).  A zerck fitting is the nick name for lubrication fittings.  And they are a pain in the patootie!  The tops tend to break off, and replacing them is nearly impossible, despite the fact the the people at the tractor store make it sound so easy.  We broke three, trying to install two of them.  Maybe we are just getting too old for this kind of thing. . .

Tomorrow I am going Down There to do laundry and be at Larry and Elsie's shop by 2:00 pm.  Larry is going fishing on the coast and if I am there to help, he can leave early in order to arrive before midnight.  Then I am going down to their house Thursday evening to house-sit for the weekend.  Elsie is leaving Friday morning to visit their son and daughter-in-law.  I cannot access the internet from their house, so my next blog posting will be Tuesday, 5/26.

I have filled a yard bag 2/3 full with devil's claw already, and I have just begun to attack it.  Everything I have pulled will probably have grown back again by the time I return home on Monday.

The wild roses down in the lower part of the canyon have already started blooming.  Ours are still small buds.  However the lilac bush that Larry and Elsie gave to me for my birthday two years ago has two large bunches of buds that look like they are ready to pop.  I just cannot stop talking and writing about the flowers this Spring.

We finished watching season one of Elementary this evening.  So good!

Wednesday 5/20. It is 50 and clear this morning.  A good day for going Down There.

Thought for the day: The day the Lord created Hope was probably the same day he created Spring. Bern Williams

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