Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 12, 2015 More Heat & Smoke

More work done on the cabin.

Monday 8/10. The drive down the mountain first thing in the morning is always so pleasant with the fresh scent of dew.  Lots of grouse and rabbits about.  As soon as Larry and Elsie's hens hear me drive up, they start clucking for their breakfast, and their cats meet me at the door.

As soon as I arrived back home, I made my breakfast of fresh eggs and tomatoes.  It just doesn't get any better than that.  Then I spent the morning busy with dishes, laundry and other chores.

I love being able to say, "Oh, I think I'll take a nap," and then following through.  One of the perks of being retired.  When I awoke a couple hours later, the sky was overcast and the air quite muggy.  It looked and felt like an approaching thunder storm, but it never arrived.  Our high for the day was 82.

After dinner I thought I might move the pile of wood I split yesterday to the shed and stack it.  I used my fire-wood bag, but after three loads it was obviously still to hot to be exerting myself while having to wear shoes and gloves.

I thought for sure we were going to get some much-needed rain this evening, and it looked like it came as far as Larry and Elsie's, but we didn't get even one drop.

Since it was too warm to be moving the wood, I re-arranged the three barrels behind the wood shed.  The way they were, water would never be able to flow into the third one.  I was about done with that when my Aunt Nene called to relay her excitement for the day.  While on her way to meet a friend for breakfast, she was rear-ended.  No one was hurt, but the trunk of her large Chevy was crumpled.

Talked to Elsie this evening.  They had a great time at the lake; Elsie caught the most fish and their grandson caught the biggest - a 4 lb. bass!  The birthday boy spent a lot of his time putting worms on hooks. . .

Tuesday 8/11. It was 66 with a thin overcast and haze to the north this morning.  I could just barely smell smoke, so there must be a new fire.  Temps into the 100's are in the forecast for Down There mid week.  And I have discovered that the best way to attract a cloud cover is to say, "I'll vacuum for sure tomorrow."

I baked a banana coffee cake knowing that RJ and Mike with probably be up to the cabin today.  Then I finally managed to lug all the wood I had split to the wood shed and stack it.  It took six trips with my fire-wood bag with a long rest after the first three.

I finished the third P.D. James book, and now it's on to another one by Kyle Mills.  And still my list of things to do has only one, short job crossed off . . .

R.J. and Mike did indeed arrive at their cabin this afternoon, so after dinner I drove down to visit and take some coffee cake to them.  They will be here for a week, so I will see them a few more times.

Wednesday 8/12. It is 75 and so hazy this morning with smoke that I can't see the mountains or even the hills to the north of town or the Columbia River.  The smell of smoke is strong, so there is obviously a nearby fire and no breeze to clear the air.  Going to be a hot one today.

Thought for the day: If I can't speak my mind, then this isn't America.

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