Friday, February 5, 2016

February 5, 2016 More Snow, More Melting & A Thief

JB wearing a shirt I gave
him for Christmas.
One of the photos I took after
post-holing to the north ridge.
I love the white and brown.

Wednesday 2/3. Valley fog again today, as in most days.  It usually starts out just over the rivers, then grows during the day.

We worked on the snow blower today, pouring hot water on the impeller to melt the ice.  Then the motor wouldn't start, but that was because it was out of gas.  Put gas in, but still couldn't get it started.  Will try again later.

Made some chocolate/peanut butter Chex mix that turned out pretty good.  Like crunchy Reese's Pieces.  Then I reorganized our long-term storage canned goods.  Found a can of gluten-free french bread mix that I kept out.  JB will make a loaf tomorrow.

After a few false starts, the predicted light snow began falling at 2:00 pm, almost as if it kept checking the time.  It was still coming down when we went to bed at 9:30

In talking to Elsie this evening, it seems that their chickens may have been laying eggs all along.  In keeping with the theory that if you put a plastic egg in the nest, they may take the hint, she put in a golf ball last night.  Today it was gone!  So they are going to install a game cam in the hen house, put in another golf ball, and see what happens.  A weasel?  A pack rat?  I guess we'll find out.

Thursday 2/4.  Forty-one years ago this morning, I gave birth to our son in Burlingame, CA.  Such a difference place, such a different time, and such a great kid.

It was 30 and mostly overcast this morning, but we soon had a lot of blue sky and sunshine.  All that snowing yesterday, and we only got one inch.

There was an explosion of activity when JB let the dogs out at 6:00 am.  Some four-footed critter(s) was down by the hen house and the dogs chased it away and away and away.  Jesse was gone for about an hour.  

I checked out all the tracks when I fed the girls at 8:30.  There were trails through the snow everywhere, but I really couldn't tell what it might have been.  Coyotes?  I did see some deer tracks around, but they didn't make most of the tracks.  One of the critters was light enough that it was able to walk on top of the snow.  The dogs can do that up on the south ridge, but not by the house.

JB baked a loaf of the French bread, but it didn't rise quite like it should have.  He will try again tomorrow.  I shoveled off the one- to two-foot overhang on the battery shed that was melting and sliding off.  Our high for the day was 39.  Almost didn't need a coat.  And we got another egg, from Blondie this time.

We watched the last two episodes of the second season of Blacklist this evening.  What a great program!

Friday 2/5. It is 30 and mostly overcast this morning with high valley fog covering all the valleys and canyons.  JB is not in a good mood.  Jesse stayed out for an hour when he let them out at 6:00 am. . .

Thought for the day. Anybody that wants the Presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.  Henry Grady Weaver

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