Friday, August 26, 2016

August 26, 2016 Clearing the "Tunnel", A Sick Larry & Snail Mail

A praying mantis who rode in
on a piece of kindling.

Wednesday 8/24. We clipped and cut about 95% of the west side of the "tunnel" before we pooped out this morning.  One of those projects that doesn't take a lot of time, just a lot of energy.  But we accomplished much more than we though we would.  It is obvious that Mr. Sixes has also be working on clearing away the brush by the road in that area.

Got home and washed the big pile of dishes left from all of yesterday's cooking and dining.  My hair had just dried from a late wash when Elsie called to say that Larry was ill, with what might be the flu, and would I be able to come down and help at their shop.  I washed up a bit, curled my hair, put on "town" clothes and was on my way in record time.  Fortunately the speed limit in the paved part of the canyon is 53, so I got there quickly.  Ooops!  Maybe that's 35. . .

JB had dinner ready when I arrived back home at 6:15 pm.  Our high Up Here for the day was a pleasant 78.

Thursday 8/25. It was 62 and mostly clear this morning.  Neither of us had a good night's sleep as Buster came up to visit at 12:30 am!  All he got was another "Buster, go home!"

I was on my way Down There to do our annual laundry at the laundromat of winter coats, drapes that we use for doors to the bathroom, bedroom and linen closet, the shower curtain and bath mat, blankets, etc.  Then I did shopping at Costco and Fred Meyer, my two standard stores.  The heat wasn't too bad in town as their forecast high was in the 80's.

I was home by 2:00 pm and won't have to go back down til next Thursday, when I go to get food for our BBQ on Sunday, Sept. 4.  

In this day and age of electronic mail, it is indeed always nice to be able to send a quick message to someone and know that they will receive it as soon as they check their ipad or computer or whatever, but I still enjoy sending and receiving snail mail.  Personal paper you can hold in your hand and read, and maybe save.  Something special that someone spent some extra time to write and mail.

I remember my maternal grandparents always spending a few hours every day when they stayed us writing letters to friends and family around the world.  I have most of the letters that they wrote to my Mother, and they are absolutely splendid.  Pieces of our history hand written for generations to enjoy that capture the flavor of the time in which they were created.  A slice of life the way it was at the moment it written.  When I read them, I can feel my grandparents who wrote them sitting next to me.  They, once again, come alive for me.

Friday 8/26. It is 64 with mostly clear skies this morning.  Still hazy with smoke to the northwest.  We plan to work on rebuilding the trailer this morning.

Thought for the day: "Ah, but he liked the mail.  Always had.  One never knew what might turn up in the mail.  It was like a lottery in which one could hit the jackpot at any moment."  A Light In The Window by Jan Karon, pg 294

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