Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017 Goodbye emperor, Hello Trump!

The tipi before. . .

. . . and after I dug it out.

Wednesday 1/18. We all thought that with the end of 2016, life would get better.  I guess this is just one of those times when it gets worse before it gets better.  Death is a part of life, but what gets us through it all is the knowledge that endings are the promise of new beginnings.  That we will see those we love again, and heaven is the place where we meet all the dogs we ever loved.  And, of course, a sense of humor.  Right now the life of a good friend is beginning to sound like a country song.  But she will bounce back, like she always does.

Snow fell on and off most of the day.  Sometimes heavy, sometimes light.  And the fog rolled in and out.  Our high for the day was 24, which makes such a big difference in keeping the house warm.

JB worked on the snowblower.  I dug out about 2/3 of the tipi.  Had to put my snow boots and snow pants on as the snow was three feet deep around it.

A schedule has been worked out so that a son or daughter-in-law is with JB's Mom at all times.  Today JB's brother held his phone by his Mom's ear so JB could talk to her.  The only response was a flutter of her eyes.

Thursday 1/19. It was 22 and partly cloudy this morning, with another inch of new snow.  I90 over Snoqualamie Pass is closed because of avalanches, and there is lots of snow in the forecast for the weekend.

It was beautiful and sunny day.  The sun and a high of 36 began to melt the snow and ice on the roof.  Most of the south side slid off in two loud roars around 3:30 pm, sending poor Dinga into a tizzy.  Then most of the north side slide off around 7:00 in another loud road.  The chunks of ice must be 8" thick!

JB worked on the snow blower again.  I finished digging out the tipi and cleared off the tarp that is over part of the chicken run.

JB was able to talk to his Mom again. . .

Friday 1/20. It is 24 and we are in the clouds/fog this inauguration day.  A day that we have been counting down to for eight years.

Thought for the day: Tomorrow: that mythical time when I get everything done.

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