Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6, 2017 Just Trying to Keep Warm!

View from the south ridge
Thursday afternoon.

Wednesday 1/4. After feeding the girls and dogs, JB and I both went back to bed for a nap.  Getting up to feed the fire every three hours is hard on the sleep schedule.

Way too cold to be outside, so I took down the Christmas decorations.  Did some sorting and repacking, and got it down to four large plastic containers and two wreath containers.

The temperature actually climbed into the double-digits today, and our high was 12.  It was another beautiful day though.  Definitely a winter wonderland, if you are dressed warmly enough.

We watched The Hateful Eight this evening.  It is Tarantino's eighth movie and, I think, his goriest.  Which, of course, is really saying something.  But it was a very good movie, although I had to close my eyes a couple times.

Thursday 1/5. It was a balmy 12 degrees out this morning with clear skies.  A few clouds drifted over during the day, but they didn't stay long.

I worked on really cleaning up my crafting area.  It tends to collect a lot of papers and such that do not belong there.  I also sorted out our DVD's and got about 16 to send to Randy.  Am pretty much done with the X-Men, and there were several movies I really don't want to watch again.

JB got MAX started, and drove up and around the south ridge.  Driving downhill or on the flats is easy, but going uphill causes problems in this deep snow.  The chain came off again, so we will have to get it on again tomorrow.  I am all for cutting a hole in the body where it forces the chain off, but JB wants to wait until we can heat the body up there and bend it out, instead of cutting.  We'll see, but I don't think we have the choice to wait.

Our high for today was 18, but it was probably that warm for about five minutes.  Then the temperature started to plummet.  The forecast for Down There tonight is for 1 degree.

Friday 1/6. Our temperature is zero this morning and we are surrounded by fog.  I guess that says it all. . .

Thought for the day: The grass is greener wherever you water it.  Family Life Goals, Facebook

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