Monday, June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017 A Very Friendly Weekend

My new flower bed.

Jesse's nest.

Friday 6/2. Had a very good trip Down There.  Bought groceries, plants for my new flowerbed, a shelf for the right side of the outhouse that we are making into a storage area, and stopped in to see Larry & Elsie.  So many blooming flowers and bushes along our road.  After a late lunch, I planted all the flowers, but still need some more.  Now I just have to remember to water them every day.

The day was warm but breezy, with a high of 68.

Saturday 6/3. This morning was 58 and mostly cloudy.  JB went outside right after breakfast to use the weed eater on the south side of the house while I did laundry and other inside chores.

When he was done, we put the shelves together.  JB took the toilet out of the outhouse.  We covered the hole and organized our "new" storage area.

After lunch we put Miss Kitty back together (without the front storage box).  Then I raked where JB had done the weed-eating and put everything I raked up into the compost pile.

On our walk I saw that the door to our neighbors' yurt was open, so after feeding the dogs, we walked down to be sure they were there.  And they were.  They came up to visit after dinner and great conversation ensued.

The sky cleared, but the clouds were back by 3:00 pm.  It was a very nice day though, with a high of 70.

Sunday 6/4. It was 48 with a thin overcast that cleared during the day.  I had forgotten to give our neighbors eggs last night, so right after feeding the dogs breakfast, I took some down to the yurt.  I always enjoy a good walk first thing in the morning, but rarely take one unless I have to.

I did more laundry and worked on Sandy's present for her birthday which is on Wednesday.  JB did some week eating in front of the house.

Larry and Elsie drove up with their grandsons to visit and deliver three tomato plants.  We walked around and chatted.  Always fun to have the kids visit.

When they left, I planted the tomatoes, after weeding the garden, and then finished Sandy's present.  JB mowed the large triangle to the south of the house.  I addressed all the invitations that I had printed yesterday for JB's family for our Fourth of July barbecue.

JB has his annual physical tomorrow, so he can mail everything and run a few errands.

It was another beautiful day, but still a bit breezy.  Our high for the day was 62.

Monday 6/5. It is a chilly 43 this morning and the sky is clear.  JB plans to be on his way by 9:00 am.

Thought for the day: When you are at one with the world, you often find that the thing you seek is seeking you.  Charles F. Haanel

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