Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019 Improvising & Warm Weather

Boxes on dollies in
the pantry.
Dinga lying in the snow
waiting for JB to come
up the drive on Friday.
Our little herd of deer on the
south slope Friday.

Friday 1/25. This morning I revamped the pantry under the stairs.  I have three dollies under there: a long one on which I stack the bags of dog food, and two smaller ones on which I stack #10 cans of freeze-dried food.  The cans keep falling off when I pull the dollies out, so I found two cardboard boxes the right size and nailed them on the dollies.  Works perfectly!  (See photo above.)  I wrote lists of what is in each box & stuck on the boxes where I can easily see them.  Improvising is something we have to do a lot of Up Here.

After lunch we all hiked (slogged) down to the game cam to switch the card out and put an empty one in.  The snow is still way too deep for Miss Kitty to be able to drive in until we get some serious melting.  Just deer and us in the photos.

On our afternoon walk, "our" herd of six deer was just coming up the south slope a bit east of us as we got to the top of the ridge.  The dogs didn't see them and I was able to get a couple good pictures.  Then they crouched down and went under the fence instead of jumping over it.  Interesting.  The wind had pick up and by the time we got to the north ridge and all the valley fog had been blown away.

Our high for this lovely day was 42.

Saturday 1/26. It is 36 and clear with low valley fog this morning.  It almost sounds like Spring with all the birds chirping.  I think our warm winter weather has coaxed them Up Here.

After lunch we burned some more old records and receipts.  I have no idea why I kept them so long.  Much longer than seven years.

During the afternoon the valley fog grew, filling the canyons like an incoming tide by the time of our afternoon walk.  Must have been because it was so warm today.  Our high was 48!

While we were eating dinner, the deer moseyed across the east slope, grazing as they went.  One of them went to get some corn for desert.  That doe is one we often see at the corn and on the game cam.  She has a dark spot on her left thigh which makes her easy to recognize.

We watched Titanic this evening.  It has been at least eleven years since we have seen it.  What a great movie!

Sunday 1/27. It is 44/46 this morning and mostly clear with a light breeze and low valley fog.  Again, the wind blew the fog away, but a bit earlier today.

It was too warm to give the girls oatmeal this morning, so they got salad and banana instead.  Shy Ann looked at me like, "Wait!  Didn't you forget something?!"

The snow is really melting around the trees now.  It is the perfect consistency for snowmen and snowballs, if I were so inclined.

We burned another small box of old records this afternoon.  About half done now.

We had been using an olive-oil lantern on the table when we ate dinner, but that isn't necessary any more with the returning light.  And today, for the first time this year, I had to close the blinds on the loft door at 4:00 pm as the sun has finally come around from the southwest that time of day.  Yes!!

It could have been quite warm today with our high of 46, but we had a very chilly, strong breeze gusting around 10 mph most of the day.

Monday 1/28. It is a chilly 27/24 this morning with mostly clear skies.  Twenty degrees cooler than yesterday morning.

Thought for the day: Literally every person is messed, so pick your favorite train wreck and roll with it.  Hearty Soul (on Facebook)

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