Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012

Dinga's snow "angel"

Snow on a dried wild flower

Oh, my!  GF sourdough flaphjacks have forever taken the place of pancakes on my menu!  They are so much more tasty, with more body.  And with real maple syrup - well, need I say more?

I finished Sue Grafton's V is for Vengence, and was thoroughly entertained as always.  This book was written a little differently, slowly introducing all the characters and setting the scene.  Was a leisurely read until 2/3 of the way through when I simply could NOT put it down, much to JB's chagrin.  A couple hours after I finished it on Sunday, I started G is for Gumshoe which is one of the few books in the series that I was missing.  The third one that JB gave me for Christmas is I is for Innocent which I will read next.  Then I may start at the beginning and read them all once again.  I do that occasionally with my favorites, another of which is The Cat Who . . . series by Lillian Jackson Braun.

I mentioned that I had vacuumed and cleaned house before going to the dentist, which I am so thankful that I had done, but of course I did not dust.  I am sure I have said before that clean Up Here is different from clean Down There, this being a cabin in the woods.  Dusting was done before Christmas and will be done again during Spring Cleaning.  Up Here dust bunnies are considered pets, not pests.  And dust motes in the air are referred to as fairy dust.  However, we do clean the hearth about every other day with all the debris from the firewood.  Just letting you know in case you ever decide to visit Rose Camp. . .

But speaking of pests, since about the middle of January whenever we get a sunny day, we also get five to ten yellow jackets in the loft at the window.  They are still very sleepy so are easy to swat, but I am surprised there are so many of them as I did not see them swarm last Fall.  Definitely have to finish caulking outside this year.

And speaking of Spring cleaning, with my resurgence of energy I cleaned out the bathroom drawers on Sunday.  That sure feels good, especially since I did not find an over abundance of any supplies like I did in the linen closet.

Checked the game cam on Sunday, and once again we had obviously placed it too high to catch any movement.  When we put the card back, we also moved the game cam way down on the tree which sits on a ledge overlooking where the road comes up to our driveway and makes a sharp turn heading up to Erno's property.  Hopefully next week I will have some deer and bunny photos to post.

Thought for the day:  Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.  Albert Einstein

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures,and the story book life you are living. I know it is not as easy as it looks,but am envious.
