Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012 JB Coming Home


A little friend under
the porch steps

JB is on his way back home today and should arrive at Rose Camp by 2:00 pm.  Yes!!  And just in time for another thunder storm.  I can see the big, white, puffy clouds moving in as I write.  Just hope it's not pouring when he is driving up our road.

Larry and Elsie came up to get their ATV Tuesday evening, but it was a short visit as the thunder and lightening arrived about the same time they did.  Elsie headed for home in hopes of beating the rain, while Larry was going to his favorite vantage point for viewing the light show.  The storm actually went to the east and north of us and we got only a few sprinkles during the night.

When I got up Wednesday morning I realized that I didn't hear the wren singing.  I checked their nest when I went to water the garden and half of it had fallen onto the rocks.  As I was watering, the male wren landed on the fence and started squawking at me as if the whole incident was my fault for not having provided a larger shelf under the eaves.  I suggested that they move into the vacant bird house, but I see they still haven't.

I babysat Mindy while RJ went Down There after he drove up for breakfast.  He wasn't gone too long as it was really getting hot.  It was 78 Up Here and just too hot to do much other than dishes and laundry, and of course sudoku and crosswords.  After two years I have at last graduated from easy to medium sudoku!  In the evening I worked in the grove trying to rake out the heavy equipment tracks.

The pack rat succumbed to the poison sometime during Tuesday night and was within easy reach.  I am sure I will always feel regret for having to do such a thing.

Thursday morning I moved more drain rock to the side of the house and put a couple loads in front of the outhouse, then cleaned up more dirt clods.  After lunch I trimmed bushes along our pathways.  The temperature was up to 79, but there was a nice breeze.

RJ and I were talking at breakfast about a friend of his who is 80 and going strong.  He had found his calling early on and has been content most of his life.  We agreed that contentment seems to be the key.  You don't always have to be happy, but it seems to be a companion of contentment, as does good health and longevity.  I think JB and I have found our contentment at Rose Camp.

Thought for the day:  The past is never where you think you left it.  AJ Butler.

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