Monday, December 9, 2013

Dec 9, 2013 "Warming" Up

No words needed.

Friday 12/6.  We actually began the day with 3" of new snow for a total of 6".  RJ did drive up for breakfast and we had what was probably our last visit until Spring.  The snow is very light and powdery, so it's not bad to drive in.

Seems as though it is cold everywhere.  There's even snow on the ocean beaches!  And in Santa Rosa, Sandy has been waking to 25 degree mornings.

I have decided to go Down There tomorrow as we should take my Jeep down to Larry and Elsie's for the winter.  There is more snow in the forecast for next week.  JB will pick me up in MAX when I get back.

JB tried to start the snow blower again, but to no avail, so he plowed with the tractor.  Much more fun for him, I'm sure.  Looks like we'll be sans a snow blower for the winter again.

The orange juice in our outdoor "refrigerator" finally froze.  We'll be in deep doodoo if the beer freezes. . .

We used the extra meatballs on the pizza and it was pretty good.  Blasphemy in Chicago, I'm sure.

Saturday 12/7.  Because it is -8 this morning and the forecast is for sunny days through Monday, I have decided not to go Down There until Monday.  Also the temperature is supposed to start rising by then.  When JB trekked up to clear off the panels, only Dinga went with him, and she had problems with her paws.  Our main object for the day will be to just keep everyone warm.

After a nice, lazy morning, JB baked three loaves of "rye" bread.  A recipe for gluten free bread that tastes like rye.  It does taste a little like rye bread, but a bit sweeter.  I defrosted the refrigerator, then made some more cards and started a new book.  I also brought in fire wood and took the dogs on their afternoon walk.  Too cold to really enjoy it, although the sparkling white vistas made it worthwhile.  Our high for the day was 3. . .

Sunday 12/8.  It was zero and mostly cloudy this morning.  By the time we got to the dishes at 10:30, after our big Sunday breakfast, the sun was powering up the batteries.

There seems to be a big difference between a temperature of above zero and below zero.  Today's high was 7 and the low was zero.  I got so warm getting the wood that I had to take off my gloves!  It was much easier to keep the house warm too.

I finally got the Christmas decorations out, but only put up the larger ones and the creche.  I think I'll pass on all the little ones this year.

The wren is back.  He sat on the wood stacked just outside our dining room windows and looked in at me.  He was all fluffed out to keep warm and looked like a flying ball of feathers.  He comes up for a few days every winter.  Not sure why.

JB got MAX started and drove around to be sure everything was working well.  It was until one of the tracks came off.  But the road is still passable by Jeeps, so he will drive down to Larry and Elsie's in his Jeep tomorrow to pick me up.  He drove his Jeep down to the game cam to put the card back in with no problem.

Monday 12/9.  It is 7 and mostly clear this morning.  We watched three deer mosey over the south ridge and along the east slope, nibbling as they went.  The dogs were barking up a storm at first, but we didn't let them out.  I hope to leave about 9:00 am and will do some laundry Down There along with the grocery shopping.  The main reason for going is to mail all the Christmas cards and packages.

Thought for the day:  Let us be thankful for those who make us happy for they are the gardeners who make our souls bloom.

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