Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5, 2016 Officially Rednecks

My Christmas project.  The
bubble top is a snow globe.

You might be a redneck if. . .

Friday 12/2.  It tried to snow most of the day but just couldn't quite do it.  Our high was 37.

It was an indoor morning and, having stopped in at Hobby Lobby when I was Down There, I spent it using those supplies to make Christmas presents from a video I had seen on Facebook.  The first one turned out great!  There are so many things you can do with Mason jars.

After lunch we went out to cut all the branch wood from the trees we had cut the other day.  We used my little electric chain saw and JB was able to get it all done in two large cradle loads.  Then he moved the cut wood to the porch in the tractor bucket.  I stacked it, and now we have a nice, complete wall around the south end.

Saturday 12/3. The day began with a temp of 32, clear skies and a wind gusting to 24.  A perfect day for staying inside and working on Christmas gifts and cards.

JB put a fire in the stove in the shop and spent some time out there cleaning up after the pack rat.  There was no sign of the rat or its body, so hopefully it is gone.

We watched the last four episodes of season one of The Arrow.  I sure hope our son was able to find season two on sale for our Christmas.  The wind was still howling when we went to bed and snow was being blown around.

Sunday 12/4. When I got up to let Jesse out at 4:00 am, there was a strong smell of ammonia in the great room.  The smell of our refrigerator dying.  So we turned off all the gas so the pilot lights would go out and opened several windows.  Then we went back to bed to deal with it when the sun was up.

At 7:30 am it was 27 outside, 54 inside and we had received just under 2" of snow.  Every west-facing surface was plastered in white.  I fed the chickens and dogs while JB hiked up to clear off the solar panels, then we moved the fridge out on the porch, closed the windows and lit a fire.

With the refrigerator on the porch, we are officially rednecks!  But, as always, Universal timing is perfect.  This is the best time of the year to be without a refrigerator inside, because it is cold enough outside.  We won't get another one until March or April, and then it will be a much smaller one.  I plan to can most foods, rather than use a freezer.  They will last much longer and we won't have to worry about any kind of power problem.

After the morning excitement, I printed the labels for our Christmas cards and got a couple packages ready to mail.  I plan to go Down There tomorrow for a few more craft supplies from Hobby Lobby, mail the cards and packages, and do a few other errands.

The wind that had died down during the early morning hours, popped up again in the late afternoon.  Our high for the day was just 29, and there is much colder weather in the forecast for this week.

Monday 12/5. It is 20 with mostly clear skies this morning.  Really not looking forward to going outside. . .

Thought for the day: Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheek.  LessonstaughtbyLife on Facebook

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