Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017 Hummingbirds, Flowers & Sunshine

Prairie stars

Some of the flowers I
picked to press.

Friday 5/5. I think everything green has sprung up another 6"-8" overnight with all the rain from the storm.  The birds are celebrating the fact that it is over with their melodious songs.

"Our" four deer sauntered across the east slope this morning.  This time Dinga saw them and started barking, but she didn't run after them.

We had our windows open yesterday, letting in all the fresh Spring air.  I LOVE this time of year!  I hung the wash outside in the sun and light wind.  The wind acts like a dryer and takes most of the wrinkles out.

I sorted the piles of junk wood, breaking what I could into kindling and stacking the rest to be cut in the wood cradle

I plan to go Down There tomorrow since I didn't make it today, even though it is time for the big Apple Blossom parade.

Saturday 5/6. It was 34, windy and partly cloudy this morning, but the clouds soon disappeared and we had a bright sunny day with a high of 63.

I left for Down There at about 9:30 am and had a nice leisurely day.  I drove the long way across the river to Costco, as it was impossible to get through down town Wenatchee with the parade going on.  Was home by 2:30 pm with all the errands run and a few more groceries.

The balsam root is blooming in places where it often doesn't in the canyon, and the purple lupien is now in bloom in the last mile along the road, intermingling with the yellow balsam root.  Absolutely stunning!

Sunday 5/7. It was 36 and clear this morning.  It is that time of the year with cold nights and warm days.  Perfect days in which to work outside.  After breakfast, dishes and laundry, I harvested some wild flowers to press.  There are so many more yellow bells and alpine shooting stars this year than usual.  They are everywhere!  As are the dwarf waterleaf, but they do not press well.  The prairie stars have suddenly taken over and, in many places, it is impossible to walk without stepping on them.

Even with all the many birds about, it is so nice to have the hummingbirds back.

After lunch I started the splitter for the first time this year and split the wood that the Coasties has given me last week.  JB took it in two tractor bucket loads to the wood shed and I stacked it.  Then I worked on re-stacking the kindling.

The girls gave us five eggs again today, so now I have eleven dozen eggs under the bed.  I have to find someone to give a couple dozen to!

Such a beautiful day!  Our high was only 56, but it sure seemed warmer in this sun.  No wind today, just a light breeze.

Monday 5/8. It is 40 this morning with a few clouds.  Hopefully I can get the rest of the wood split today.

Thought for the day: To be humble is not to make comparisons.  Secure in its reality, the self is neither better or worse, bigger nor smaller, than anything else in the universe.  From Markings by Dag Hammarskjold

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