Friday, July 14, 2017

July 14, 2017 A Trip Down There & A Pack Rat

Fireweed has begun to bloom
 in the past couple weeks.

Wednesday 7/12. We worked on the new fridge most of the day.  Read the booklet.  Watched the video. Changed the doors so it opens from the right.  Then discovered that the hose we have had the wrong size attachments (it didn't come with the fridge.)

It looks like the pack rat has abandoned my Jeep, thank goodness.  It probably found a new home in the shop.

JB reserved a box scraper for the tractor for the last week of July.  The place we purchased the tractor lets us borrow several different pieces of equipment each year as long as we own the tractor.  We will work on our ruts in our driveway and a few places along our road.

Thursday 7/13. It was 64 and clear this morning with a light breeze.  JB was on his way Down There by 8:45 am to get the right size hose, ice (hopefully for the last time), and several other errands.

I spent the day doing little projects around the house.  While looking for a piece of wood for a small shelf, I discovered that the pack rat had indeed moved into the shop.  He loves JB's bottle caps.  He ripped into a bag of them and scattered them about.  I gathered them up and put them all in a plastic jar, along with the wine corks.  Hopefully, he will find the poison, too.

JB was home by 3:00 pm.  He had to have an RV place make the hose.  A very long day for him.

Friday 7/14. It is 60 and clear this morning with no air movement at all.  We have an appointment to get our septic tank pumped out this afternoon, so we will have to dig to clear the cap.

Thought for the day: Don't withhold kindness until you are confident it will be reciprocated.  You might wait forever.  Edward Viljoen

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