Friday, October 27, 2017

October 27, 2017 Enjoying Beautiful Fall Weather

Drain chute through
front yard. . .
. . .and on the north side.

Wednesday 10/25. I worked on cleaning out the drainage ditches down the driveway and to the hair-pin turn.  Last Saturday we received 1-1/2" of snow during the day and 2" of rain during the night, so even though the torrent of water mainly went where we wanted it to, there was a lot of dirt and needles pushed down with it.  I got everything done except for the hair-pin turn, which I will probably do this Saturday.  It really needs to be dug out with a shovel.

After lunch I dug out the small drainage chutes through the front yard and the north side of the house.  The yard drain had not been done for a few years and wasn't very deep any more.

Before all this, I had hung out the laundry which was sheets.  A breeze had sprung up and quickly dried them.  

It was another incredible Fall day, with a high of 60.

Thursday 10/26. It was 40 with clear skies this morning.  Skies that remained clear all day and were full of bright sunshine.

I finished the yard drain, taking it clear over across the driveway and into the trees.  Digging out all the accumulated dirt.

JB baked a big pan of gingerbread this afternoon, and then made meatloaf for dinner.  So nice to have him able to do that again.  I still get out the dishes and utensils he can't bend down to reach.

The varied thrush are back, passing through on their way from Canada and Alaska to winter in California.  And, of course, the nuthatches and juncos are all about.

Dinga did something to her right front leg this morning and was limping quite badly.  Nothing we can see, but it is pretty hard on her as she has had a bad left rear leg for six years now.  Between that and her going blind, she is in pretty bad shape.  Hopefully her sore front leg will be better very soon.

Again, it was another incredible Fall day.  Just a little more chilly, with a high of 55.

Friday 10/27. It is 40 again with clear skies this morning.  I am going Down There this morning for some more winter stocking up, as there are some pretty good sales.  Also going to buy my brother's Christmas present that is on sale, a food-grade water barrel.

Thought for the day:  I should be given an award for keeping my mouth shut when there's so much that needs to be said.

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