Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November 13, 2017 Fog & Snow, Fog & Snow

Sometimes winter Up Here
can be hard on the dogs.

Friday 11/10. As the sun rose this morning, so did the fog, creeping up from the canyons.  So very quiet Up Here with snow covering the ground and trees.  So still.  No birds, no occasional sounds of traffic drifting up from Down There.  You can hear your own thought as if they were spoken out loud.

I think water is coming up from the well by itself and into the cistern.  Haven't had to pump water into it for several days now.

More snow began falling just after 10:30 am and left another 1/2" before it stopped mid afternoon.  We were out in it filling up MAX's tires.  They only have to be 5 psi with the tracks on.  Then I drove MAX up and around the south ridge for practice.

Our high for the day was 36 and the snow is getting a little slushy.

Saturday 11/11. This Veteran's Day began with a temperature of 30 and we were still in the fog.  Snow fell off and on from a little after noon til about 2:00 pm.  It was either snowing or fogging all day long, but there was no measurable snow fall.

We put gas in MAX and SeaFoam in the gas.  Got JB's Jeep all straightened up and ready to be driven down to Larry and Elsie's tomorrow for the winter.  I think this is the earliest we have had to do that.

I worked on cleaning up my crafting area in the loft so I can get started on some Christmas projects, including this year's card.

I have to empty our compost can about once a week, and today when I took it out, there was a set of large rabbit tracks nearby in the snow.  I sure wish I could see the rabbit and not just the tracks.  (I'm sure I say that every year.)

It was a bit cooler today with a high of 31.

Sunday 11/12. It was 32 this morning and we were still fogged in.  The sun was teasing us by trying to break through, but never did.  And snow bombs were falling all around.

My project for the day was to drive JB's Jeep down to Larry and Elsie's, and pick up the mail while I was down there.  The drive down wasn't as bad as I had expected, but it did take me about 50 minutes to get down to the mailbox on the paved road.  Then I got the Jeep parked; had a short chat with Elsie; and Larry drove me back home in their Miss Kitty.  

Now, Larry's nickname is Papa Putt-Putt, for the way he drives so slowly on the mountain roads.  Well, Papa Putt-Putt was not driving today.  The tires on their Arctic Cat are a bit worn and he had not put the chains on yet.  So let me just say that the drive back up was my excitement for the week!  Perhaps the month.  I have no doubt that Miss Kitty with her new "Grim Reaper" tires will make it down and up just fine for a while yet.

There is still a little snow on the ground at Larry and Elsie's, but it all but disappears in the last mile down to the pavement.  

Our high for the day was 34.

Monday 11/13. It is 34 and overcast this morning with a breeze.  A breeze that has blown the fog away, down into the canyons and valleys.  Yes!  We can actually see the surrounding landscape.

Thought for the day: It's all good, and working out like it should.

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