Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017 Leftovers & Another Visit

One of the reasons we
live Up Here.

Friday 11/24. For a day that started out so bright and sunny, it ended up being rather dark and drab.  A thick overcast moved in and there was no snow left to brighten the landscape. The sun did manage to break through just before it set, turning the woods golden.  Our high for the day was 39.

We spent a quiet indoor day reading and checking out the Black Friday specials.  Got some great deals on TV series' DVDs, and of course the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Yesterday at Larry and Elsie's, they gave us a show of 60 of the 720 videos they had taken off their game cam.  So much fun to watch!  They had many deer, mama bears and cubs, cougars, bobcats, skunks and one raccoon.

I cooked a turkey breast with all the trimmings for dinner, including gluten-free dressing that Elsie had made and sent home with us.  "Leftovers" - the second best part of Thanksgiving dinner.

Saturday 11/25. It was 32 and overcast this morning with fog in the Wenatchee River valley.  As the cloud cover began to thin, the valley fog grew, creeping up and into the canyons. By the time JB took the dogs on their morning walk, it had crept into Rose Camp and spent the rest of the day wafting in and out.  By 3:00 pm, snowflakes were drifting down and very quickly the ground turned white again.

It was another inside day with a nice, slow morning.  After lunch JB bakes scones and I worked on crafts.  Am using pine cones in most of my creations, and enjoying every minute of it.

Over the past few years I have been trying alternatives to cow's milk.  Up til this weekend, my favorite had been vanilla almond milk.  Last time Down There I bought some vanilla rice milk and now that is definitely my favorite.

As the dogs and I left on our afternoon walk, there was a deer on the south slope.  The dogs went after it in sort of a "Oh no, not another one" fashion and the deer didn't move very fast either.  Then they all stopped.  The dogs came back and we went on our walk while the deer just stood and watched us.  There have been so many deer Up Here in the past few weeks that the dogs have been running and sleeping a lot.

We ended up with a little more than 1/4" of snow and our high for the day was 34.

Sunday 11/26. It was 31 this morning and we were encased in fog.  The sun started teasing us with glimpses of blue sky.  We were invited down to the Gridder's for coffee, pie and wine beginning at noon.  By the time we left at 11:30, the fog was beginning to sink into the canyon.

We had such a wonderful visit with them and her parents, filling up on apple, pecan, strawberry-rhubarb and oreo cookie pies.  We waddled out to Miss Kitty to leave about 3:30 and were home by 4:00, bringing more pie with us.

By then the wind had cleared out all of the fog.  Our high for the day was 34.

Monday 11/27. It is 30 and mostly cloudy this morning with a wind gusting to 18 mph.  Won't be out too much in that icy wind, and tomorrow I plan to go Down There, mainly to pick up packages at the post office.

Thought for the day: A good conversation is like a mini skirt - short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover the subject.

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