Friday, August 3, 2018

August 3, 2018 Cooler Temps & Trips Down There

Smoke on the northern

Wednesday 8/1. There was smokey haze on to the north this morning, but the rest had been blown away by last night's wind.  And the morning's coolness was an absolute delight.

The tech from the propane company was here and gone by 9:30 am, having replaced the regulator.  JB left soon after to run some errands and pick up a few groceries.

The dogs and I went on a morning walk for the first time in a couple weeks.  We went all the way up the peak and I was pleasantly surprised that my legs weren't screaming too much from the effort.  I watched a golden eagle soaring down into the canyon, and heard the woodchucks chirping at us.

The girls gave us 72 eggs in July, but we gave a couple dozen of those away to guests.

I worked on the invitation to our almost-annual Rose Camp BBQ and Potluck which will take place on September 2 for all those who own property in the canyon, and printed them out.

While sitting on the porch before dinner, I watched a grey squirrel take a dirt bath in the dust on the driveway.  Didn't know they liked to do that.  The chickens and grouse certainly like to.

It was another hot day with a high of 88, but it does seem to be cooling down.  A cool breeze picked up again in the evening and blew most of the night.

Thursday 8/2. It was 60 and clear this morning with haze and smoke still on the northern horizon.  Again, the cool air was a delight, as was the breeze.

I was on my way Down There with Jesse a little after 8:00 am for his annual visit to the vet.  He loves the ride, just not the destination.  On the way home, I stopped by one of the Redbox machines where JB had discovered on line that they had two movies we wanted for good prices.  Bought The Last of the Jedi and Thor: Ragnarok for a total of $12, and was home before 10:30.

JB had hung up the wash while I was gone, and taken down most of the rest of the fence.  After lunch we tipped the solar panels half-way down.  Couldn't believe it was time for that already!  Then JB baked a couple loaves of banana bread, while I addressed all the invitations to the BBQ and got them ready to mail next week.

We enjoyed a strong, cool breeze breeze all day which made our high of 82 very pleasant.

Tomorrow I am leaving early to go garage saling again with Mrs. Gridder, and JB will be driving down a little later to go sturgeon fishing with Larry.

Friday 8/3. It is a chilly 50 this morning with a steady wind at 9 mph.  May actually have to wear a jacket today.

Thought for the day: The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-flag for the urge to rule it.  H.L. Mencken

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