Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018 Winter Naps, Tracks On MAX & Marbles

So glad I put their warm clothes on.

Friday 12/7. A few small flakes began falling around 9:30 when I was bringing in the wood.  Almost had to be outside to see them.  They disappeared around 11:00 and the fog began creeping in.

On Wednesday, when I did the laundry, JB poured hot water down the drain pipe.  Then, when it was all done, he poured antifreeze down.  It's the only pipe that freezes when the temperature sinks below 20.

JB baked two loaves of bread and I continued to make and address Christmas cards.

Our high for the day was 22.

Saturday 12/8. It is 19 and overcast this morning.  We saw some blue sky and sunshine mid morning, but not for very long.

The deer had visited during the night, but I hadn't put any apples out thinking they wouldn't be back so soon.  There was a hoof print on the first step of the porch stairs.  Perhaps thinking of coming up and knocking on the door?  So I did put out more apples and corn today.

Made and addressed more cards today with 20 to go.  I send out 55 cards, to all our friends and most of our family.  That's not counting grandchildren, nieces, and nephews (but I don't make theirs).

JB drove MAX around a little bit and parked him by the shop.  We plan to put the tracks on tomorrow.

Our high was 24, a bit warmer today.  It was 20 and snowing when JB checked at 9:00 pm after we watched The Blind Side.

Sunday 12/9. It is 20 and overcast this morning with valley fog and 1/2" of new snow.

We take more naps in the winter, not only because of getting up during the night to put in a fire, but also just because the season is so conducive for them.  And, yes, I consider when we have 15" of snow in the ground that it is winter, regardless of what the calendar says.

This is the day we are going to put the tracks on MAX.  So after breakfast, JB pulled the wagon with the little generator up to the south side of the house.  We jacked him up and set him on large pieces of wood; took off the middle wheel on each side; and used the shop vac to suck the air out of the other four tires.  Sounds a bit easier than it is.  Then it was time for a break.

It had just begun snowing lightly when we went back outside after lunch to finish our project.  We got the tracks on fairly easily, as soon as I remembered that the trick is to push them on from the bottom.  Put the tarps back on everything and back inside we went.  It sure feels good to have that done, and by the looks of the snow coming down, not a bit too soon.

Larry called and asked if we wanted to play some marbles and my response was a resounding "Yes!"  When they arrived at about 7:00 pm, the snow was still falling.  Had a lot of fun, as usual, even though they guys won both games. . .

Our high for the day was 26 and it was still snowing when they left two hours later.

Monday 12/10. It is 26 with blue sky and valley fog this morning, and a forecast of 6" to 8" of snow tomorrow.  Looks like we got at least an inch of new snow.  I may have to drive MAX down on Wednesday.

Thought for the day: We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.  C.S. Lewis

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