Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December 12, 2018 Cards Done, MAX Done, Miss Kitty Done!

Whoa, Nellie!!
Off to pack down the road.

Monday 12/10. What a gorgeous morning!  At least for us, everyone in the canyons and valleys is fogged in, but Up Here the birds are singing to welcome the sun.  We actually received three more inches of snow yesterday.  A light breeze picked up and is blowing snow bombs off the trees.

Dinga and I trudged up to clear off the solar panels but they didn't need it, and the sun was melting the few drops of ice left.  Back at the house, I washed the dishes and my hair as I usually do while the laundry was going and while JB took the dogs on their morning trudge.

I am just finishing up Jan Karon's third Mitford book, and have the next two on my Christmas list.  They are so amazing.  As I said before, food for the soul.

After lunch we finished up MAX.  Put the two middle tires back on; filled the four others with air; took MAX off the wood that was holding him up.  Then JB used MAX to pull the generator wagon back to the shop.  He put some more gas in MAX and was off to pack down our road at 2:30 pm.  While he was gone I finished our Christmas cards!  Woo Hoo!  I'll address them tomorrow and hopefully be able to mail them all on Wednesday along with the packages.

The light breeze had soon grown into a light wind gusting to 10 mph.  While we were working on MAX, it felt like someone was pelting us with snowballs.  JB got snow-bombed while on his hour run down the road.  Our high for the day was 32, but we weren't really able to enjoy the balmy temperature because of the icy wind.

Tuesday 12/11. It is 20 and snowing this morning.  Started coming down about 5:00 am.

I took the dogs on their morning walk.  Just as we got outside, the snow was giving way to the fog, having dropped another inch on us.  Some deer had been Up Here overnight, but probably not our little herd as they did not come near the house nor eat the apples.

I started on the December (third) row of wood today, but have left almost 1/4 row of wood that is very pitchy.  Good for the fire pit though.

When I learned that a school principal in Nebraska had banned candy canes because they looked like a "J" which could stand for "Jesus", my response was NOT what one would think from a person upset about that.  Pretty sure that Google would not permit me to post it.  What is happening to this country??!!

We had snow, fog and even a bit of sun off and on til mid afternoon, and a couple times all three at once.  Then the temperature soared to 32 and the precipitation became a light, frozen rain.

JB fixed Miss Kitty's windshield wiper with duct tape, as we had purchased the wrong size replacement.  Will pick up the correct one tomorrow.  Then he discovered that the rear tire on Miss Kitty that had been leaking air for a while, could not be filled.  He thinks it is the the air valve.  So we took off that tire and put on an old one that we keep for a spare.  All this in the frozen rain.

All the snow and ice finally slid noisily off the porch roof this evening, as did anything left on the rest of the roof.  Dinga was pacing and panting.  Jesse was fast asleep.

Well, we didn't get the 4"-8" of snow that was predicted for today, but there is still tonight.  However, the wind blew away all the clouds around sunset and we had a starry night.

Wednesday 12/12. It is 28 this morning with clear skies, and still as windy has it was all night, gusting to 15 mph.  The snow is off most of the trees, having been blown everywhere else.  As I write this, the sun is rising, lighting up the white mountains and making them stand out against the startlingly dark blue sky.   

I have 13 stops on my list for Down There today, if I actually get there. . .

Thought for the day: The best time to do something worthwhile is between yesterday and tomorrow.  Amish proverb

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