Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec 10, 2012 Decorations, Memories & Glitter

Our Christmas tree

Friday was a blustery winter day, in all its definitions.  Snowing, windy and cold.  Received a total of 3" Up Here in its 24 hours, and that dwindled to barely a trace Down There.  Now that December is finally here, it seems to be fairly galloping towards Christmas.  I decorated the house and am very pleased with the results.  Every year is a bit different.  Next year I would like to put a small Christmas tree on the landing at the top of the loft stairs (the only stairs we have).  That's really the only place we have room for a tree.  Since we moved Up Here, for the inside I have used a small iron tree I had and we usually decorated one of the small trees outside in the yard with a garland and small stockings.  Since those trees were cut down last summer, I doubt we will decorate outside this year.  Have to get a new garland anyway.

Elsie called to let me know she had emailed photos of another cougar at their pond, and a possible wolf sent to her by a friend in a near by canyon.  I was unable to open them with my computer, so I sent them to JB to see what he could do. 

Saturday was partly cloudy with occaisional sun and patches of blue sky.  We ran the generator for a little more than an hour while we did the dishes, vacuumed and showered.  Quite chilly, just in the low 20's.

On Sunday we had sun and snow off and on all day, and often at the same time.  The snow coming in from the west and the sun shining from the south.  The thermometer struggled to reach 20.  On days like this, there's no letting the fire go out in the wood stove.  Fog crept in around 3:00 pm but didn't stay long.

Late morning JB drove MAX down the road a ways to check it out and give the dogs some exercise.  He brought back the card from the game cam but the only interesting photo was one of three coyotes almost two weeks ago.

After lunch I figured I better get out for some exercise also.  The dogs and I walked up to the peak on the south ridge and down to the north ridge.  Then I brought in several loads of wood.  While on the south ridge I had a fascinating experience.  Tiny crystals, reflecting all the colors of the rainbow, were ascending from the canyon below as if gravity had been suspended just for them, and were being blown to and fro at the whim of a light breeze.  It was as if someone standing at the bottom of the canyon had thrown open a huge bag of glitter.  The sun was shining but I could only see the sparkle in a straight line from me to the sun, as if its rays were coaxing them up.  I could only stand and watch, knowing that my camera would be unable to capture such a sight.

For those of us who are older, this is a season of joy and nostalgia.  For the children, a time of wonderment and creating memories.  Memories that will become their nostalgia when they are our age.  Every Christmas bring a few down days for me, when the memory of those who are gone, those with whom we shared so many holidays, saddens me because of their absence.  This year those days were this past weekend.  Each decoration contains at least one cherished memory, and I went through the whole box of tree decorations even though there is no room to hang all of them.  But there is always room for the memories they bring.  Hopefully the sadness has retreated back into the ether until next year.

Thought for the day:  The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science.  He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who no longer pauses to wonder and stand in rapt awe, is as good as dead.  Albert Einstein

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