Friday, December 28, 2012

Dec 28, 2012 A World of White

Shoveling the driveway

Up a little further

Up and away!

It was lightly snowing when we headed down the driveway after breakfast to dig out MAX and clear the road so we could get him home.  It took a little more than two hours and a lot of sweat.  We shoveled more than 100 ft before JB was able to force MAX through the snow make it all the way up to the house.  He made several trips down and back to clear it all out, and then we took the rest of the day off.  It snowed most of the day, but we only received another inch.

Yesterday we quietly celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary.  We enjoyed blue sky and bright sunshine with a high of 24.  Mountain sun and valley fog, once again.  We just did our chores and relaxed.  JB shoveled a few of the pathways and read a book.  My inventory of greeting cards is getting low, so I've been working on various cards.  Of course I brought in firewood and we went on our afternoon walk.

My Christmas gifts from JB included three books that I wanted: the next Dresdan book, Ghost Story; The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony; and A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.  I had a terrible time deciding which one to read first, but Witches won out.  It had been on my "want" list the longest.  It's very well written.  An excellent read.

The current Backwoods Home magazine is another great issue.  There is an article on canning chicken that has made both JB and I want to try it.  Also a second installment by Rowena Aldridge, "Food security 101", with lots of recipes for home made dry mixes: baking mix, cream-of-anything soup mix, taco seasoning, ranch dressing, Russian tea mix, etc.  I have already added a couple of ingredients I need to our grocery list.

Christmas Day night we watched "Holiday Inn" with Bing Crosby, but it is not the movie I saw as a child.  It is the movie in which the song "White Christmas" was introduced, but I realize now that the one I was thinking of is "White Christmas".  According to Entertainment magazine, that is now America's favorite Christmas movie.

Fog is creeping in as I write this.  Hopefully it will creep right back out before we leave to pack down the road with MAX this morning.  I'm sure we will have to do some shoveling and will probably go down the main canyon road aways where JB had the most problem.  I can hardly wait. . . 

Thought for the day:  The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched. . . but are felt in the heart.  Helen Keller

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