Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11, 2015 Our First Snows of The Season

Our snow by 10:00 am Monday.

Dried and frosted wild flowers.

Monday 11/9. Got dressed right after successfully solving several sudoku (say that five times fast).  We both went out to unload the branches from the trailer.  Stacked as many of the large ones as we could in the cradle and the rest on the ground.  Took a big load in the wheel barrow of the smaller ones I had already snipped to size to the wood shed and stacked them.  It was snowing by the time we stepped out to do this, and the ground was turning white, as were our coats.

Had to cancel our appointment to get the trees cut, as there as no way the truck would make it up here.  Plus I am sure they wouldn't want to work in a snow storm.  We were told that we could give them one day's notice to come up, but I think we are going to have to use the money to have Miss Kitty fixed instead.

JB baked blueberry scones this afternoon.  I cut the fabric and covered the tops of my marmalade jars.  And we both relaxed with our books.  We have discovered a new author that we both like - Steve Berry.  Very similar to Dan Brown.

Had a nice chat with Randy yesterday and Nene today.  She is getting pouring rain and wants summer back.  Not a fan of cold weather.

The snow flakes turned back into rain drops around 1:00 pm and it all stopped falling by 2:00 pm.  The sky cleared a little, as did the ground.  By the time of our 3:30 pm walk, most of the snow had disappeared.  Our high for the day was 35, and all the peaks around us were white.

In talking to Larry on the radio this evening, we learned that they just got rain and were surprised that it had snowed Up Here.

Tuesday 11/10. It was 28 with blue sky, a heavy frost and valley fog this morning.  A beautiful day in which to get things done.

I brought in a few loads of fire wood and vacuumed.  Washed the dishes and cleaned up the house a bit.  Scrambled egg and blueberry scone for breakfast.  Yumm!

I really do need to get more exercise.  And I am sure that is what the doctor will tell me when I go for my annual check-up on Friday.  I am just not out and about Up Here nearly as much as I was the first four or five years.  I know I have written this a few times in the last year or so, but have done nothing about it.  Time to change all that.

A light overcast began creeping in from the southwest and by early afternoon most of the sky was covered.  A few inches of snow are predicted for early tomorrow morning down into the valleys.

After lunch I grabbed the macintosh and walked down to the hair-pin turn with the dogs to dig out the drainage "ditch" that had filled up with silt.  It is about 6" deep and fifteen feet long.  That was certainly a good cardio workout, as well as the hike back up.

Our high for the day was 42, but that couldn't have been for more than five minutes.  And there was a cool breeze blowing.

Wednesday 11/11.  Honoring our veterans today, including JB who was in Vietnam.

It is 30, windy and snowing this morning.  The wind howled most of the night, gusting to 22 mph.

Thought for the day: What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday.

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