Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25, 2015 More Snow & Ear Worms

The mountains & our snowy landscape.

Monday 11/23. Valley fog covered the river and down town all day, but never made it very far up the canyon.  By mid day the sky was overcast and our high for the day was 32.

I worked on Christmas presents.  JB drove MAX around a bit to be sure he is ready in case we don't get Miss Kitty back in time.  The repair shop called with a price for us to approve and they will get the parts ordered.  The cost is just a little more than what we had for the trees, so we are good to go.

We both finished our books and started new ones.  I am now reading a book by a new author, Imogen Robertson, which is Anatomy of Murder.  Set in 1870's London and very good.  JB is reading Government Zero by Michael Savage, which is the book Larry and Elsie gave him for his birthday.

By the first week in November, the sun has migrated too far south for us to see the sunset any longer, as it is behind the trees on the west end of the south ridge.  But we can still see any colors that radiate from it.

When we talked to Larry on the radio this evening at 7:00 pm, he alerted us to the fact that the ground was rapidly turning white.

Tuesday 11/24. It was 28 and lightly snowing this morning.  While I took care of my morning chicken duties, JB and the dogs hiked up to the panels to clear them off and measure the snow.  We received another 2-1/2", so there is about 3" to 3-1/2" on the ground.

Time current Time magazine is about ISIS and the 25 best inventions of 2015.  Always an amazing list.  The most interesting one for us is the Banza chickpea pasta, with double the protein, four times the fiber of traditional pasta and, of course, gluten free.

There is a frog singing to us from under the house!  Must be a mutant, warm-blooded one or he is nesting right under the wood stove.

I have decided that I really do not want to have to vote for Trump for president.  While I might agree with many of his ideas, he does not have a diplomatic bone in his body.  And that is crucial for any president.  ("Have to" meaning that he is chosen as the Republican candidate.)

I seem to be very susceptible to ear worms.  And I don't even have to hear a tune, just think about it.  Right now I am trying to rid my brain of "The Easter Parade".  Where did that come from?!

A few nights ago I began setting my alarm for 2:00 am to get up and check the fire.  So basically I am losing about an hour of sleep, as it takes about 15-20 minutes to get one going to the point of having it burn just right, going to the bathroom, and then getting back to sleep.  JB takes the 5:00 am check.  So far the house temp in the house has not been lower than 67.  With that loss of sleep come my lovely naps. . .

Wednesday 11/25.  It is 22 with clear, blue skies this morning.  JB plans to do some baking and I'll still be working on Christmas presents.

Thought for the day: I believe humans get a lot done, not because we're smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.  Flash Rosenberg

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