Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016 A Healing Balm & A Wild Birthday

"Our" blue grouse in his
mating regalia.

Monday 5/16. We were out right after breakfast to get working on the wood.  First we had to restring the clothesline and move some rounds with the tractor so I would be able to hang up the wash.  Then JB cut a small pile of rounds from the trees in the back to size.  He moved them to the splitter while I hung up the wash.  We spent the rest of the day trimming the huge branches with the chain saw and clippers.  I was pleasantly surprised at how much we were able to get done.

Our high for the day was 68 with a nice breeze.  Most of the clouds moved on early in the day and let the sun shine.

Between the tumeric pills that I take and the frankinscence and myrrh lotion that Elsie gave me, my arthritic hands rarely ache.  That healing balm has definitely made a difference.  Elsie was also the one who recommended the tumeric.  I haven't taken ibuprofen for weeks now.

Tuesday 5/17. My birthday began with 47 and partly cloudy skies.  I was on my way Down There before 9:00 am, and just a quarter mile down the road I saw "our" blue grouse in all his mating regalia.  He was so proud of himself that he stood still and let me get a photo.

I ran a few errands, bought some groceries and lingered in the thrift shop.  Was able to find a great pair of jeans, several blouses and a wool Pendleton shirt.  They were having a half-price sale and everything cost just $11!  The Pendleton shirt was only $1.50.  Wow!  So much fun!  I also went to Hastings and they were having a clearance special on used movies - two for $1.  So for $2 I bought four movies that we wanted.  

I was home a little after 2:00 pm and received birthday phone calls from family and friends.  It was a very good birthday, but I didn't realize that the Universe had one more surprise.  We decided to watch Nine, which is a fantastic musical, and about half-way through it JB noticed movement outside.  There was a huge cougar just strolling down our driveway!  He had to have been at least three feet from shoulders to hips and was beautiful, but a little bit scary.  I grabbed my camera but in trying to zoom in, but the picture was very blurry.  JB grabbed the gun and we put on our shoes, but by the time we got outside he was gone.  Needless to say, we took the dogs out on leashes for their last duty.

I called Elsie on the radio to tell them what had happened.  I knew that several years ago they had a cougar on their porch!  The adrenalin was flowing and my heart was pounding.  I print all my postings and mail them to Bob's Mother, but I will be editing this post for her with no mention of the cat.  I just wish I could edit my Aunt Nene's copy, but she reads it on-line.  We will be sure to be packing when we are out and about, but cougars don't tend to stay in one place very long, and have about a 20-mile range.

By the time we finished watching the movie, the adrenalin rush had subsided and we were both dead tired.  What a day!

Wednesday 5/18. It is 52 this morning with a few clouds in the sky and cooler than normal temps in the forecast.  Again, we will be working on cleaning up the trees.

Thought for the day: An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.  G. K. Chesterton

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