Monday, April 22, 2019

April 22, 2019 Shoveling Our Way Out!

Bossie's HUGE Easter egg next to
a regular large one.
Our Easter goose.
Turkeys who visited
Sunday evening.

Friday 4/19. Very gray and windy morning, but obviously good for eggs.  Bossy gave us a huge “torpedo” egg, so big that I couldn’t close the lid on the carton!

There are buds on the lilac and nine-bark bushes, and many of the other ones.  Many of the balsam root shoots on the south ridge have small, green blooms that look as though they will be yellow in just a day or two.  When I went Down There last time, there were a few plants blooming just before the city limits along the paved-road canyon.

I do miss a fire in the wood stove, especially on these gray days.  I also miss it because now we have no place to keep our coffee warm.  However, today with no sun, I finally put a fire in just before noon.

Both JB and I worked on the garden before our morning walk.  After lunch, JB turned the soil in the large raised bed.  We are out of brackets to attach posts to the smaller one.

On our afternoon walk, I saw an immature bald eagle soaring over the canyon to the south.  Our high for the day was just 58.

The nights are so dark now without snow on the ground, even when the moon is out.

Saturday 4/20. It is 40 and partly cloudy this morning.  After our morning walk, JB and I drove down our road in Miss Kitty just to see how far we could get.  With a lot of shoveling in several places we made it to the Jeep!  Then JB drove the Jeep up our road about 1/5 mile and parked it on mushroom corner.  Since we can’t bring the dogs down in Miss Kitty, we still can’t go to the family Easter dinner, BUT I can go Down There on Monday!  Woo Hoo!

We saw an owl as we were coming back up our driveway, and this afternoon, as we were sitting on the porch, we saw the first humming bird.  He checked out where we hang the feeders, then sat on a rose bush for a few minutes just staring at me, as if to say, “Let’s get with it, Lady!  Get those feeders out!”  I just told him it would be May first as usual.

It was a beautiful day and our high was 60.

Sunday 4/21. This Easter morning began with 37 and clear skies.  JB saw our little herd of deer a bit after 6:00 am, then I saw five of them at 9:30 am.  They were just ambling and grazing their way across the east slope.

The cistern filled almost all the way to the top on its own yesterday.  The water is crystal clear, so it must have some up from the well.  I did a load of laundry, sheets that I had set aside to take to the laundromat.  That load was the first that I hung outside this year.  The weather has been conducive, but it’s only in the past few days that the snow under the clothes line has melted.

Bossie gave us another HUGE egg today and Belinda gave us a regular large one.  It’s a good thing those eggs are soft when they come out. . .

I also moved all the fire wood that was still on the porch, while JB trimmed the trees near the chicken run.  I was carrying the wood by armloads to the wood shed when JB suggested I use the dolly.  Well, silly me!  I do usually try to do things the easiest way.

We sat in the swing, just enjoying the day, but for the first time this year, it got too hot to stay there.

I got organized for my trip Down There tomorrow (oh, it feels so good to be able to write that!).  Lists of what to get where, and in what order to drive there.  And, yes, there is a latte and hamburger on my list.

JB cooked a pork roast for Easter dinner, along with mashed potatoes and green beans.  Our high for the day was 61, but I am pretty sure it was pushing 70 in the sun.

Two turkeys wandered through our yard this evening about 8:00 pm.  We think they were jakes, young toms.

Monday 4/22. It is 44 and partly cloudy this morning.  I plan to be on my way Down There by 9:00 am at the latest.

Thought for the day: In the Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.  Margaret Atwood

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