Friday, April 5, 2019

April 5, 2019 Getting Our Porch Back

(No photos today.  Having a problem uploading them.)

Monday 4/1. I found the year’s first tick on Jesse yesterday morning, and, no wonder, the way he is running all over and through the bushes.

We chipped and shoveled more ice.  I moved more wood from the porch to the shed and completed the first row in the shed.  Wow!  April 1 and we already have one row of fire wood for next winter.

This afternoon I baked two large loaves of pumpkin bread that always turn out so delicious.

We haven’t seen the deer or their tracks for several days now.  They are probably spending more time grazing on the south slopes where they don’t have to wade through the snow and there is lots of new food.

Another beautiful day with clouds floating across the sky and a high of 56.

Tuesday 4/2. It is 38 with mostly clear skies this morning, but a front is due in this evening bringing rain.  Had a nice, long chat with Sandy, always so much fun.

I moved more wood to the shed, starting the second row and finishing the east row of large wood on the porch.  I was able to move the rocker and a chair to the south end and set the other two chairs on the north end.  We also chipped and shoveled more ice from the stone steps.

The dogs and I hiked down to the game cam and I am thinking I should be able to drive Miss Kitty out early next week.  I exchanged the card in the game cam but there were no pictures as the batteries are dead.

I don’t remember ever seeing so many pine cones Up Here.  I gathered a large yard bag full, and it’s not even noticeable where I did it.

Clouds moved in by mid-afternoon and our high for the day was 57.

Larry and Elsie said to let them know what day I think I can drive out and Larry will drive up the day before in his four-wheeler to see if it can be done.  What would we do without our neighbors?!

Wednesday 4/3. It is 42 and partly cloudy this morning with a breeze.  No rain last night, but by mid-day the sky was overcast and we could see it raining to the west, headed our way.  The rain arrived here at about 1:00 pm but only stayed about ½ hour.  Then it was mostly sunny and very windy for the rest of the day.

I was unable to post this morning as we had a very poor internet connection.  Very frustrating.

After dishes and laundry, I sat out on the porch in the sun with the last of my coffee.  When we first moved Up Here, I had a hard time sitting still very long.  Now I have a hard time getting up. . .

Our high for the day was 59.

Thursday 4/4. It is 36 and clear this morning, and there’s a lot of melting going on!

We pumped up the rear tires on the tractor so JB could move it to some dry ground and let the ice and snow melt where it was.

We both sat on the porch during the day, enjoying the warm sun.  Our high was 52.

This evening the dogs were acting as if there was definitely a big critter outside.  I couldn't see anything, but there was a strong odor like a bear or an elk.

Friday 4/5. It is 38 and mostly cloudy this morning.  It rained during the night and we have a possibility of thunderstorms during the day.

Thought for the day: I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting system through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.  George Washington Carver

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