Monday, March 4, 2013

Mar 4, 2013 MAX Is . . . Was Fixed

"Oh, look!  Here's your problem."

Friday, 3/1. Turned out to be a day of sun and wind with a high of 42.  Well, maybe just a strong breeze.  But a perfect day to work on MAX.  Opened him up after lunch.  Took the air filter off.  Checked the oil and everything we did the other day, and it was all okay.  Discovered that the choke cable was not secured correctly and was pulling out when the ride got bumpy, so the carborator was not getting enough air.  Now, does that sound like I know what I'm talking about or what!  Secured the cable, rode around the south ridge to test it and all was well.  Woo Hoo!  MAX is basically such a simple machine that I just knew it couldn't be too complicated.

Hastings had a great on-line sale, so I was able to get a couple $2 movies we had wanted, and three TV series on sale - the second season of "Vampire Diaries", the first season of "True Blood" and the first season of "Downton Abbey".  Can't wait!

Pizza night and we used our last bag of mozzarella.  JB will go Down There next friday, so we should be good.  Also used our new pizza pan and the crust came out perfectly crisp.  Then watched "Dark Shadows" and laughed all the way through it.  When it comes to acting, Johnny Depp can do no wrong.

It was still 36 out at bedtime, but supposedly we are in for another cold spell.  There is still a good foot of snow in most places on our northern slope but lots of bare spots under the trees and most of the southern slopes are completely bare of snow now.

Saturday, 3/2.  Dogs got me up at 4:45 am.  I think they are getting ready for Daylight Savings Time.  Was still pleasantly warm in the house but I put in a small fire anyway.  Back to bed til 7:30, at which time it was overcast and 32.

I baked almost all day.  Started a large pot of dog broth before lunch, only this time I am adding rice and lots of carrots.  After lunch I baked an apple-gingerbread cobbler that I haven't made in more than ten years.  Used to be one of our favorites.  Served warm with whipped cream, there's just nothing better (as good maybe, but not better).  Then, since Saturday is my day to cook dinner, I made meat gravy with ground turkey served over rice.  Lots of garlic and onions.  My Mom used to make this alot when I was growing up only with hamburger and over boiled potatoes.  Rice works well when you are out of potatoes. . .

The Last Great Race starts tomorrow, the Iditarod.  1049 miles from Anchorage to Nome by dog sled.  JB always follows it, so we watched the ceremonial start on his computer.  Love those dogs!

At least I didn't have to bring in firewood, as we hadn't used that much.  Was 42 outside again today.  So I ended up going no further outside than the porch and deck.  JB was outside with the dogs alot.  The wind started whistling in the late afternoon and was really howling by the time darkness settled in.

Sunday, 3/3.  JB was up with the dogs at 5:30 and built a fire.  The wind had ushered in a cold front and it was 20 outside.  Jesse stayed out for almost an hour so when JB finally got back to bed he slept in til 8:00.  So did I.

After we washed all the dishes I dirtied yesterday, JB and the dogs went on their Sunday hike down to the game cam.  Twenty minutes later here comes JB back up in his Jeep.  Since there had been a lot of melting and then freezing, he was able to drive it up with no problem.  Hooray!  Then he got on his computer and watched the end of the Chicago-Detroit hockey game, after which the Black Hawks remained undefeated.

We have a new member of the family - a grand-neice named Remi.  What a great name!  Names are so important, and I have always disliked mine.  Not "Rose", my real name.  I like Rose.  But mine always made me sound more prim and proper than I felt.  If I had been born 1/2 hour later (the next day), my name would have been Josephine, after my Dad's best friend, Joe.  Now that would have been a very cool name shortened to Joey.  JB's take on it is that we probably would have never met.  I would have become a different enough person to change my life just a little.  Butterfly wings and all. . .

After a late lunch, we bundled up to take MAX out for a long test ride.  We had almost reached the main canyon road when MAX developed a loud, knocking sound.  The drive belt had come partially apart and a flap was hitting the side.  So we turned around and tried to get as close to home as possble before it broke completely.  That happened about 40 feet before the corner where our rope gate is.  We put MAX in neutral and pushed him to the corner out of the way so other vehicles could get by.  JB will try driving his Jeep down early Monday morning to my Jeep, so he can go into town and buy a new belt.  Actually three belts, so we can have two extras on hand.  He'll leave early while the road is still frozen and firm.  This was my fault really, as I should have thought to buy new belts on my way back from Seattle.  I knew the belt we were using was a little frayed, but I just didn't think about it.  On the other hand, MAX's engine is running perfectly. . .

It was a beautiful day for a walk, sunny with a high of 30.  Was only a 1/2 mile or so from home, but mostly uphill.

Monday, 3/4.  The sky is mostly clear and it is 17 outside.  JB plans to leave at 8:00 am and only stop for mail and belts so he can get back up the road before it gets sloppy.

Thought for the day:  "This year will go down in history.  For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration.  Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead in the future."  Adolph Hitler 1935 

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