Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2, 2015 Getting Ready for Winter

Seals and cormorants that we saw
on our way to Blake Island.
Driving through the aspen on Thursday

Fire weed living up to
its name

Wednesday 9/30. There are four grouse still hanging around the yard and you have to be careful to watch for them, as they often don't fly away until you are right upon them. . .

The days certainly are getting shorter now, and with the sun, so goes our power.  We have to be careful to use items that pull a lot of power in the morning, so the batteries have a chance to recharge before dark.  Even more so now that we need a new battery bank.  And that will have to wait until Spring.

The dogs are barking, the frogs under the house are croaking, the chickens are calling and the birds are chirping.  What was that I said about it being so quiet Up Here?!

I split the last round of wood and stacked it in the wood shed, which is pretty much full now.  JB used Miss Kitty to move the splitter so he can level out that area with the tractor.  Then he used the tractor to fill the trailer with small pieces of bark and wood debris.  We pulled it down the road with Miss Kitty and filled the worst pot holes.  Down and back was about three miles, which of course the dogs turned into at least six miles with all their running back and forth.  We both got a good workout too.  It was a perfect day for this project with a high of 68.

Our annual propane delivery came while I was on my trip.  So with that and our wood, we are set for another year.  I always give a sigh of relief when that delivery arrives.

The rose hips that were ripe when I left are now shriveled and dry, and those that were still yellow and orange are now ripe.  I hope I can get some more picked while they are still good.

We watched The Magnificent Seven this evening.  Hard to believe it was made way back in 1960.  All those great actors are now gone.

Thursday 10/1. It was 52 with a few clouds this morning which turned into a partial overcast but cleared by late afternoon.  I was on my way Down There by 9:00 and home by 1:30 pm.  Along with groceries, I picked up some tarps that were on sale, as we always need a few new ones for winter.  Also got a great insert for the trailer hitch on my Jeep that says: Gun Control Is Using Both Hands.

My drive down and back was lit up by the Fall colors that are exploding on our mountain.  The aspens, fire weed, rose bushes and other plants are really putting on a show.

As I was putting groceries away in the pantry and JB was noting them on the list, I realized that we are pretty well set for winter food already.  Will probably just have to get perishables from now on.

It was another beautiful Fall day with a high of 68, although that is the temperature as noted on the porch in the shade.  While our weather station was working, it usually recorded temps about seven degrees warmer on sunny days.

Well, long and clean finger nails sure were nice to have for a week or so.  I doubt I will have them again until our next trip.

And on my trip, it was really driven home that life is really about perception and attitude.  Those two things seem to determine one's life and how it is lived.  I really believe the maxim that "Attitude is Everything."  It can change your perception, but one mustn't let perception change one's attitude for the worse, or visa versa.

Friday 10/2. It is 56 this morning with clouds on the western horizon and scattered overhead.  There is a good chance of rain this evening.

Thought for the day: When you lick the icing off of a cupcake, it becomes a muffin. . . and muffins are good for you. Cheech Marin

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