Friday, June 17, 2016

June 17, 2016 Splitting Again & Rain

The chicken coup door
before. . .

. . . and after.

Pussy foot and asters.

Wednesday 6/15. JB had purchased the hinges and clasps, so he was finally able to build the new door for the chicken run.  We installed it, and it is just perfect.  So much easier to use than chicken wire attached to a pole.  (See photos above.)

Yesterday Larry had rigged up a tool for JB to use to open the oil drain on the engine of the splitter.  It worked perfectly, so JB was able to drain the dirty oil and put in the new.  Tomorrow I want to start splitting again.

Today is the first time that I remember being caught with wash on the line in the rain, and, of course, it was socks and underwear so there were lots of little items to take down instead of a few big ones.  Had to re-hang everything in the house.

I stripped most of the rest of the fir branches on the south side of the house.  Will be so glad to take a break and do some splitting.  I am not good at doing the same thing day after day.

This evening we watched the fourth, and last, Lethal Weapon movie.  They are so entertaining!

Thursday 6/16. It was 44 and partly overcast this morning.  I was able to get out after breakfast and dishes to do some splitting, which felt so good.  Just before noon black clouds had drifted in and there was a clap of thunder to the south.  A perfect time to stop for lunch.  While I was eating we had a downpour with hail, but it only lasted about ten minutes.

After we both ate, I filled the tractor bucket with four loads of wood that JB drove over to the wood shed.  I stacked it all, with JB helping.  That four loads was about 1/8 of a row.

Squalls continued to drift over all afternoon from the west, but we were able to go on our afternoon walk and stay dry.  Before our walk, I gathered three basket loads of fir kindling and stacked them.  Tomorrow we will have to put boards on the ends of each of the last two rows, so I can finish them.

Friday 6/17. It is 46 and partly overcast this morning.  Hopefully I can get some more splitting done before the forecast rain arrives.

Thought for the day: Democracy in itself does not define or guarantee a free society.  History has told many stories of democratic societies that have degenerated into corruption, plunder and tyranny.  Richard M. Ebeling

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