Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016 Hot & Hotter

Fiery red paint brush
on our west slope.

Friday 6/3. This morning JB began mowing to the north of the outhouse, but he has been having problems with the tractor over-heating, which it did again today, so he had to stop.  After it cooled down he got the book out and did a thorough check.  May have been low transmission fluid, which he took care of.

Larry and Elsie put their little hens in with the older ones yesterday evening.  When they were all roosting, Larry carried the little ones into the large coup and put them on the roost.  One of them got so excited that it pooped on him!  Hopefully they will get themselves up there tomorrow night.

When we take down a tree, we cut it into 16" rounds for our stove.  When the tree removal guys cut down our three trees, they really didn't have time to measure each cut, so we will have varied lengths, many of the rounds being shorter than 16".

Our high for the day was 74 with a breeze.  I waited until after dinner, when the day had cooled a bit, to start clipping branches, but just about then the breeze disappeared, so I didn't get much done.

While sitting on the porch, we watched a bird collect dog hair for its nest, one hair at a time.  She ended up with a huge handlebar mustache!

Saturday 6/4. It was already 70 with a light overcast when I finally got up at 8:00 am, so I knew it was going to be another hot one.  Definitely an inside or sitting-on-the-porch day.  Our high was 80!  Way too hot for expending any energy outside.

I had a nice long chat with Sandy, during which JB left to go with Gridder who was going to take Miss Kitty in to the repair shop.  After that, he ran a few errands.

Neither my lilac bush nor any of my irises are blooming this year.  Maybe I need to give them some special fertilizer or something.

In the past twenty years or so of presidential elections, I felt I had to vote for the lesser of two evils.  Well, this year is certainly going to take the cake!  Never in a million years did I ever think I would vote for Donald Trump for President, but it looks like I am going to have to.  Sandy and I always said that we would vote for the devil himself before we would vote for the current President (I refuse to say or write his name), but last election we thought, "Oh, wait!  We won't have to vote for the devil because he is already in office!"  One can only hope and pray that the she-devil doesn't make it in this year.

I puttered around inside all day making chicken soup out of two carcasses from chickens I had baked earlier this week.  Also worked on Sandy's birthday present that is going to be late again this year. . .  I did laundry, and hanging it outside was the most energy I spent today.

Sunday 6/5. It was 78 and clear this morning, with 100+ temps in the forecast for today and tomorrow.  Not looking forward to it.

So, again, it was a mostly inside day with outside chores getting done early.  I finally finished Sandy's present, read magazines and papers that JB brought up yesterday, and installed our new printer.  Anything that didn't require much energy expenditure.

Our high for the day was 86!  That says it all.

A note about the photo of what I referred to as "clover" on my May 25th posting.  That is not clover, it is actually a creeper called pussy foot.  I have corrected the photo caption.

Monday 6/6. It is 76 and clear with a breeze this morning.  Looks like another mostly indoor day.

In response to the "anonymous" comment - yes, it is a very fine birdhouse.  It has been sitting on the porch for two years just waiting for a perfect, permanent home.  Again, a big "Thanks" to JB's brother and sister-in-law for bringing it back from Montana for us a couple years ago.  The roof is actually a Montana license plate.

Thought for the day: There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.  Robert Heinlein  (Think the Affordable Health Plan)

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