Friday, November 16, 2018

November 16, 2018 Fog & A Long Trip Down There

No photo this morning.

Wednesday 11/14. I left for Down There at my normal time of 9:00 am and at the end of the driveway encountered fog sneaking in.  It was a long, cold day in the fog.  

My first stop was to visit our soon-to-be new neighbor who gave me a huge box of apples from their small orchard.  Then it was on to my long list of various stores.  On my way back up the canyon, I left apples for the Gridders and stopped in at Larry and Elsie's to give them apples also.  Had a nice chat with Elsie.  Finally arrived back at Rose Camp and up into the sunshine a little after 3:00 pm.  It took a long to to unload my Jeep which was packed to the gills.

Our high for the day was 40, which I am sure is warmer than it was in town as all the temperature signs I saw read 33-34.

Thursday 11/15. It is 37 and mostly cloudy this morning with valley fog.  I have decided to give the girls oatmeal even if is a little above freezing.  They really love it.

Spent the day doing laundry and chores inside mostly.  When underwear and socks are washed, it takes a long time to hang everything and then take it all down and fold it.

With the colder temps, the ground is freezing and swelling, so the gate to the wood shed pen now scrapes on the ground when opening and closing.  Also, the cold seems colder without snow. . .

The valley fog had completely dissipated by mid afternoon and our high for the day was a warm 47.  

Friday 11/16. It is 37/34 this morning and mostly cloudy.  Looks like it rained some time during the night.  The temperature is supposed to drop again and there is a possibility of snow this afternoon.  Elsie and I are going Down There tomorrow to go to the holiday craft show.

Thought for the day: In our defense, the moon was full and we were left unsupervised.

1 comment:

  1. 47 Degrees for Thursday? FORTY SEVEN DEGREES ??? DID HELL FREEZE OVA??? Our high for the day was 34 degrees, COLD, MOIST, and CLOUDY! UGHHH!!! Randy
