Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 Another Thanksgiving & Game Cam Photos

Friday 11/23. I still say that the "me" inside is still 50, but lately on the outside I seem to look like everyone's mother or grandmother.  Not sure why it is bothering me so much. . .

Elsie sent home a couple slices of turkey with us, so for lunch we had turkey sandwiches.  I had mayo, horseradish sauce and cranberry sauce on mine.  JB skipped the cranberry sauce and had mustard without the mayo.  Leftovers - one of the best parts of Thanksgiving.

We had a light snowfall for about an hour and a half beginning at 12:30 pm, but the temperature was really too warm for it to stick, about 35.  I didn't go on the morning walk, but for the afternoon walk, Dinga and I actually hiked up to the peak to see if the deer had found the apples.  Three of the six were gone!

I worked some more on designing our Christmas card, then baked some pumpkin muffins to take to the Gridders' tomorrow.  Well, they did NOT turn out well at all, but they did taste pretty good.  I will bake some pumpkin bread tomorrow morning.

Except for the snowfall, we had mostly blue skies for the day.  The high valley fog did pull out of our canyon in the mid afternoon, but it climbed right back in by 5:00 pm.  Our high for the day was 37.  And it was another moonlit night.

Saturday 11/24. It is 30 and clear this morning, and there is no valley fog.  After I fed the girls and dogs, I got right in and baked pumpkin bread so it would be ready by the time we left at 1:00 pm.

I drove my Jeep down and JB followed in Miss Kitty.  Mr. Gridder is going to check my Jeep with his meter that tells why the engine light is on.  We took Miss Kitty too, just in case my vehicle didn't make it back up.  But, of course, today it was running fine and the reason for the engine light was a possible bad spark plug.

We enjoyed another wonderful Thanksgiving meal with delicious food and great company.  Didn't get back home til after 5:00 pm, completely sated.

Clouds had moved in and the moon was barely able to shine through the seams in the overcast.  Our high for the day was 34.

Sunday 11/25. It is 27 this morning and we are fogged in.  By noon the sun had burned off the fog Up Here, but that only lasted a couple hours and then we were ensconced once more.

We will be using JB's Jeep this winter, so he cleaned it out and moved the grocery box and coolers from my vehicle to his.  All ready for my trip Down There tomorrow.  I want to beat the snow that is supposed to move in tomorrow afternoon.  Will get a few groceries and stop in at Hobby Lobby for a few craft supplies.

We exchanged the card in the game cam yesterday on our way down to the Gridders.  Lots of wildlife this time: a bear, a cougar, three coyotes and many photos of our little herd of deer with several bucks.

I brought in fire wood, put more apples out for the deer, and cleaned off the turkey carcass that Elsie gave me.  Was going to make broth for the dogs, but the freezer is full and I'm just not in the mood for canning it.  I got a lot of meat off for the dogs that we humans wouldn't really consider eating.  Also worked more on our Christmas card design.  Think I've pretty much got it done now.

Our high for the day in the fog was 34.

Monday 11/26. It is 29 this morning and we are still in the fog.

Thought for the day: For you twenty-year-olds who hate life, it hasn't even begun to screw with you yet!  Buckle Up, Buttercup!

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