Friday, November 15, 2013

Nov 15, 2013 Waiting for the Snow

Sunset over the Columbia River.

Wednesday 11/13.  The sun soon chased the clouds away and it was a glorious day.  So, so much for just cleaning house.  I finished wrapping Christmas presents and boxing them up for mailing.  Dishes and vacuuming were the household duties I accomplished, then it was outside and into the sunshine.  We had a high of 40, but there was an icy breeze so it never really felt that warm.

We ran the well pump, which we hadn't done since Friday, so it took about 30 minutes to fill.  While that was going on, I used my garden watering can to move about 18 gallons of water from the rain barrel behind the wood shed to the one on the corner of the porch.  Then I took the dogs for their afternoon walk.

And speaking of birthday cards (as I was in my last posting), my Aunt Nene sent a hilarious one to JB that had a photo of a monkey on the front and said:  "Close your eyes.  Pucker up.  And kiss another year goodbye!"

We have started watching the 5th season of Burn Notice again and are looking forward to getting the last one on Black Friday.

Thursday 11/14. The day started off overcast and 29, with 10" to 12" of snow in the forecast for this weekend.  Nancy's son may be driving her down in a snow storm tomorrow.  But today's grey sky soon melted away to the sun, and by 11:00 am we had blue sky.

Today is Nancy's birthday and when I called her she was not feeling well at all.  So I wished her a "Happy Crappy Birthday!" and we had a good laugh.  I will meet her and her daughter-in-law Down There on Monday for lunch and then Costco after her doctor's appointment.

After a nice, slow start to our day, JB worked on the snow blower.  He actually got it started twice but couldn't keep it going.  That's an improvement though.  I worked on some small Christmas presents, then took the dogs on their afternoon walk.  

Friday 11/15.  It isn't snowing yet this morning, but it is mostly overcast and 27 with a breeze.  When my bladder got me up at 3:30 am and I fed the fire, the moon was shining through the loft window and into the great room.  With all that moonlight, the dogs decided they wanted to go out.  They didn't stay out very long, thank goodness, and I was soon snuggled down back in bed.

Thought for the day:  You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.  Jonathan Safran Foer

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